Past calls for proposals
FRAL 2022 - Franco-German call for proposals in Humanities and Social Sciences
The ANR is launching its 16th Franco-German call for proposals in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Development of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases EJP RD 2022
The 4th call for projects of EJP RD to fund multinational research projects on rare diseases will gather 21 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israël, Italia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey).
Specific Support for Defence Research Projects and Innovation (ASTRID) - 2022
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with the French Defense innovation Agency (AID) and Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA), has launched the 2022 ASTRID programme, providing "specific support for defence research projects and innovation". The programme is entirely funded by the AID and implemented by ANR.
12th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 12th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific Challenges) bringing together 18 countries, with a budget of 10,2 M€.
Joint transnational call 2022 for proposals on Personalised Medicine through the ERA-NET: ERA PerMed
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 33 funding organisations of 26 countries launches the fifth joint transnational call for proposals on “Prevention in Personalised Medicine” through the ERA-NET ERA PerMed. The available budget for this call is 29 Mio€ (approx.).
Announcement: The “Tremplin-ERC Starting Grant” call is open
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2021. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
Sargassum 2 Joint call 2021: Understanding and predicting Sargassum Blooms
Prior to 2010, Sargassum brown algae bloomed only in the tropical North Atlantic, in the Sargasso Sea. Currently, it has been observed on the Brazilian coast, as far as the Mexican coast and throughout the Caribbean Sea. At the same time, in the western Atlantic, it is flourishing on the African coasts, from Sierra Leone to Ghana, creating the Atlantic Sargassum Green Belt (ASGB) with possible continuity between the eastern and western parts. Questions of the influence of climate change on modifications in hydrodynamic conditions in the equatorial zone and possibly on changing wind and precipitation drift patterns and associated rivers inputs are not elucidated in relation to the increase and geographic shift in ASGB.
JPcofuND 2. Rapid-action call for expert Working Groups addressing the impact of COVID-19 on Neurodegenerative Diseases research
The ANR launches in collaboration with the ERA-NET JPcofuND 2 a rapid action call for leading scientists in the field to establish community-led Working Groups dedicated to discuss research strategies that concern the impact of COVID-19 on the development and progression of neurodegenerative disease as well as on the care of patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. These strategies can also consider the impact of COVID-19 on neurodegenerative disease research itself, how it is conducted and how it influenced technological innovations for neurodegenerative diseases.
Biodiversa+ 2021-2022 “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”
ANR is associated with the new European Partnership Biodiversa+ to launch the first international call for proposals, Biodiversa+ 2021-2022, on the thematic: "Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea".
International call on Computational Neuroscience – NEUC 2022
ANR launches in collaboration with NSF, DOE and NIH (USA), BSF (Israel) and NICT (Japan) a call for research and data sharing projects in computational neuroscience.