Past calls for proposals
Call for proposals – Quantum Sensors - 2023
Within the national quantum strategy, started in 2021, the ANR launches a call for research proposals in quantum sensors and quantum metrology. The roadmap of the national quantum strategy includes a response to needs in the metrology domain, that correspond to developments in quantum technologies.
PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area call for proposals - Section 2 2023
PRIMA Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda identified 12 priorities for facing Mediterranean challenges related to Water management, Farming systems and Agro-food chains. In this context, ANR participates to the 2022 Section 2 joint transnational call for proposals to fund innovative research projects addressing the following 3 topics.
Quantum Technologies: 4th Call for proposals of the ERA-NET QuantERA
The QuantERA programme, via the ERA-NET Cofund QuantERA II, coordinated by the National Science Centre (NCN), and with the ANR as one of its partners, is launching a new call for proposals to fund transnational research projects in Quantum Technologies, in support to the actions of the Quantum Technologies Flagship. The call gathers 36 funding organisations, including the ANR, in 29 countries.
Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (DISTOMOS) - JPIAMR 2023
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is participating in an international call for projects launched by JPIAMR and by the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION in the area of surveillance and diagnostics. The call involves 25 funding organizations from 19 countries. The total call budget is about 21 million euros. Proposals will be evaluated in two steps (pre-proposal/ full proposal).
Increasing health equity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity (HealthEquity) – ERA4Health 2023
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with sixteen countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain -including region of Andalusia-, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Turkey) is launching the novel international call for projects on health equity under the umbrella of the Partnership ERA4Health (“Fostering a European Research Area for Health”). The total budget for this action is 13 million euros.
Bilateral Call for Proposals France Japan - Edge Artificial Intelligence - 2023
Japan and France are long-standing partners in the field of information and communication technologies. In the recent years, cooperation has been particularly developed in the field of artificial intelligence with the creation of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI). Japan has been elected as incoming GPAI Council Chair for 2022-2023 while France was the previous chair. These elections highlight the major roles played by France and Japan in the field of Artificial Intelligence and show the long standing and strong collaboration between the two countries. In this context, MESR and JST are pleased to launch a call on Edge AI to strengthen the tie between the two countries.
Call for Proposals for Transnational Research Projects on Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerability to Environmental Challenges in Mental Health - ERA-NET NEURON COFUND 2 - 2023
The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address critical translational questions to improve our knowledge concerning neurobiological mechanisms involved in resilience or vulnerability to environmental challenges in mental health.
Large scale analysis of OMICS data for drug-target finding in neurodegenerative diseases - ERA-NET JPcofuND 2 - 2023
In the context of JPcofuND 2 ANR launches a joint transnational call; the aim is to establish a number of ambitious innovative, multi-disciplinary and multi-national collaborative research projects that seek to improve the understanding of the complex and multifactorial pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases by applying multi-OMICs and Big data approaches in order to generate useful information for the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and drug discovery of neurodegenerative diseases.
Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities - FRAL 2023
ANR is launching its 17th Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities and (SSH) in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Research targeting development of innovative therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease (CARDINNOV) – ERA4Health 2023
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with sixteen countries (Austria, Belgium- including Wallonia-Brussels, Flanders-, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain -including region of Andalusia-, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Turkey) is launching the novel international call for projects on cardiovascular disease under the umbrella of the Partnership ERA4Health (“Fostering a European Research Area for Health”).The total budget for this action is 19 million euros.