
Spotlight on 15 years of Franco-Taiwanese cooperation between the ANR and NSTC

In 2007, the French National Research Agency and Taiwanese NSTC funding agency began a collaboration, which resulted in the funding of almost 100 bilateral projects covering diverse themes and involving, over 15 years, around 300 scientific partners. In this first edition of the ANR’s Focus, learn more about this collaboration, the feedback from French partners and the results stemming from a selection of featured projects.

An historic agreement for both agencies

As part of its work, the ANR is developing bilateral agreements with other European and international funding agencies, to facilitate and strengthen scientific cooperation between French, European and international teams of excellence, on themes of mutual interest for both countries. These partnerships aim to fund innovative binational projects, demonstrating a strong synergy among teams of each country and a real integration of joint researches.

For this purpose, the ANR and the Taiwanese funding agency, the current National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) signed a bilateral agreement in 2007. This partnership is historic for both agencies, as this is the first ANR partnership with an agency outside Europe and vice versa for NSTC (formerly known as the National Science Council, followed in 2014 by the Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST).

A successful cooperation

This cooperation resulted in 87 projects funded between 2007 and 2022, involving 289 partner researchers, including 161 French partners, for an ANR funding of €24.9 million and NSTC funding of €17.7 million. The projects funded mostly address Sciences and Technologies, and Life and Health. These projects led to 454 publications, around twenty patents, the creation of new software and businesses, or yet awards and honours.

Based on this body of projects, the ANR’s Focus No. 1 introduces:

Key figures: number of projects funded, amount of aid per year and country, average aid allocated per project, etc.,

French partners: geographical and gender breakdown, main institutions involved,

The scientific fields represented in the projects,

Scientific productions: publications and other exploitation,

Feedback from experience from French partners,

The results of some flagship projects stemming from this cooperation.

Read the ANR’s Focus No. 1 "15 years of Franco-Taiwanese cooperation 2007-2022"

For instance, this refers to the PHOTOMOC and NIRTRONIC projects managed by Olivier Soppera, Research Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and Hsiao-Wen Zan, professor at the Taiwanese NYCU University. Thanks to ANR and NSTC funding, these scientists were able to strengthen their cooperation and share their complementary skills to develop practical and cheaper processes to produce sensors intended for biomedical applications, such as renal disease monitoring. They were awarded with the 2022 Franco-Taiwanese Scientific Grand Prize by the French Academy of Sciences and the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan.


Les focus de l’ANR : une nouvelle collection dédiée aux synthèses et bilans de l’impact des financements de l’Agence

Ce bilan a été réalisé par l’ANR avec une approche associant des analyses de données, de la bibliométrie, et une enquête auprès des coordinateurs et coordinatrices des projets financés. Il est restitué dans le premier numéro des focus de l’ANR.

Cette nouvelle collection a pour objectif de présenter les analyses que l’Agence produit sur ses actions et dispositifs de financement. Chaque focus dresse le bilan d’une action sur une période donnée, en décrivant différents indicateurs (montants des aides, domaines scientifiques, partenaires, bibliographie, etc.) et en proposant un aperçu des projets de recherche financés et de leurs retombées.

Synthèses et bilans de l’impact des financements de l’ANR, et outils d’aides à la décision, ces focus sont destinés aux décideurs publics, aux partenaires institutionnels et aux acteurs du financement de la recherche en France et à l’étranger.

Last updated on 07 September 2023
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