
Préannonce : appel à projet transnational sur la prochaine génération de recherches sur le climat en Europe pour les océans

En partenariat avec 6 organismes de financement européens, l'Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) lancera prochainement, dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre les Initiatives de programmation conjointes (JPI) Climat et Océans, un appel à projets conjoint sur la prochaine génération de recherches sur le climat en Europe pour les océans. L'ouverture est prévue pour février 2019.

Europe already makes substantial contributions at a national level to the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Climate Research Programme. However, addressing the grand challenges of climate science requires stronger and immediate transnational action to strengthen climate knowledge and enable informed societal transformation to mitigate and adapt to climate change.  This Joint Call proposes to focus on oceans and climate, using observations and Earth system models in order to address the following topics:

  • Strengthening our understanding of climate variability and extremes resulting from the interactions with the oceans such as extratropical and tropical cyclones, and how they are affected by climate change on a range of time scales.
  • Improving the representation of air-sea interactions, physical and biogeochemical ocean processes in Earth System Models to better represent small-scale non-linear processes as well as water, energy and carbon cycles. Model-data analyses using innovative approaches will be welcome.
  • Improving estimates of climate change induced modifications of ocean physics and ocean chemistry, associated with biogeochemical cycles, including ocean acidification and carbon sequestration.

This joint call between JPI Climate and JPI Oceans proposes to mobilize funding organizations for transnational added values on climate sciences with a special focus on oceans and climate interac-tions. Only a strong collaboration and cohesion between the countries will lead to European leader-ship in the next IPCC assessments and science contribution required by UNFCCC, which will then trigger a new wave of Climate Services innovation for next decade. Therefore, this joint call aims at funding at most two major projects for each theme encompassing as much as possible all countries participating to the call. Focusing on oceans will shed new light on the stressors impacting on ma-rine life and consequently on marine bio-economy. The joint call will also help inform adaptation policy by bringing key knowledge to increase resilience and adaptation measures for vulnerable areas, especially in coastal and low island areas.

Who can apply?

Researchers from the participating countries listed below may apply (in accordance with the funding rules of each country).

Participant countries include Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and Norway

Application procedure

The call will be funded with up to 7.6 M€ by Partner Organisations. Funding of participating researchers will be provided by their respective national funding organisations, in accordance with their national eligibility conditions. Consortia should be comprised of a minimum of three partners from three different participating countries. The application process is a one-stage submission process.

Planned timeframe

Call opening: February 2019
Full proposal deadline: June 2019
Funding decision announced: October 2019
Start of projects: January 2020

Pre-announcement on JPI Oceans website

Pre-announcement on JPI Climate website


Scope of the Joint Call

In December 2015, 195 countries adopted the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, which sets out a global action plan to limit global warming to well below 2°C.  The Joint Call aims to address Article 7.7 of the Paris Agreement: “Parties should strengthen their cooperation on enhancing action on adaptation… incl. Strengthening scientific knowledge on climate, including research, systematic observation of the climate system and early warning systems, in a manner that informs climate services and supports decision-making.”  Paris Agreement also recognised the importance of ocean for climate. Indeed, oceans play a key role in the climate system and are also affected by climate change. Uncertainties of the climate-ocean interactions and its buffered actions for heat and CO2 absorption call for more progress on observations and modelling

Last updated on 28 January 2019
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