Pre-announcement: EJP RD Joint Transnational Call 2019 for research projects on Rare Diseases
Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call:
Research to accelerate diagnosis, e.g:
- New schemes for finding diagnosis for undiagnosed patients;
- Improved annotation and interpretation of variants and development of diagnostic tests for the more prevalent variants;
- Novel modalities of functional analysis of candidate variants through in vitro, cell, tissue or animal studies.
- -omic or multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and mechanisms including development of relevant bioinformatic tools;
Research to explore disease progression and mechanisms, e.g:
- Natural history studies and patient registries (also for clinical trial readiness). Whenever possible these should include development and use of patient reported outcome measures. In addition, the exploration of the use of standardized M-Health-based surveillance instruments and of patient entered data to gather information for natural history studies is welcome;
- Identification of clinical biomarkers, clinical outcome measures and surrogate endpoints;
- Identification of novel pathophysiological pathways in appropriate disease models that effectively mimic the human condition.
General conditions for application
Joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories (according to country/regional regulations):
- academia (research teams working in universities, other higher education institutions or research institutes)
- clinical/public health sector (research teams working in hospitals/public health and/or other health care settings and health organisations)
- enterprise (all sizes of private companies). Participation of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) is encouraged when allowed by national/regional regulations
- patient advocacy organisations (PAOs - see more information below and refer to the INSERM contact point)
Consortia are also encouraged to include Early Career Scientists as principal investigators in their proposal. Early career PIs must prove that they are scientifically excellent and independent.
In addition, the inclusion of patient advocacy organizations (PAO) in the proposal is highly encouraged. These can be involved in all levels of the proposed work including helping to develop the research question or patient centred tools, advising on prioritisation, being involved in advisory groups, being a member of the consortium steering group or the governance group of a registry, carrying out the research and disseminating the research findings. Therefore PAOs are also eligible to receive funding for their activities. If PAO involvement is not deemed appropriate within a specific research study, this should be explained and justified. The included PAO(s) will not be counted as a national/regional principal investigator research partner and therefore their inclusion does not influence the maximum number of research partners as described above.
The call is scheduled to open on December 14, 2018.
Indicative deadline for submitting the pre-proposals: February 14, 2019.
Indicative deadline for full proposals: June 11, 2019.
Consult the pre-announcement on E-rare website
For questions regarding national eligibility criteria and requirements please contact the joint call 2019 secretariat: EJPRD2019(at)
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