
Pre-announcement: a transnational call on One Health Interventions aiming to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance

The French National Research Agency (ANR) will launch an international call for projects under the umbrella of the JPIAMR (“Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance”) and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call, that will receive a financial support from the European Commission, will include 30 funding organisations from 21 different countries. Proposals will be evaluated in two steps (pre-proposals/full proposals). The action will be launched on January 14th, 2021 and applicants will have up to March 16th, 2021, 12h (CET) to submit their pre-proposals.

Antibiotic discovery and their increasing use over the past century leads to a progressive decrease in mortality induced by bacterial infections. However, due to a massive (and often inappropriate) use of antibiotics in Human and Animal Health, the number of resistant bacteria progressively increased. In 2015, Europe counted more than 670 000 infections induced by resistant bacteria. The increasing antibiotic resistance will constitute a major therapeutic threat in the coming years. Few interventions have already been implemented worldwide to challenge this issue. This call for projects aims to (i) better understand how the implemented interventions influence the development and the transmission of antibiotic resistance and to (ii) design, implement and evaluate new innovative interventions.

Through this call, the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION intends to create or reinforce the collaboration between research partners coming from different countries and different fields to promote research on antibiotic resistance.

Topic of the call

Proposals should focus on one or both of the following topics:

  • Understand the impact of interventions on the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance
  • Design, implement, evaluate, and/or compare innovative interventions to control the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance.

Research proposals must focus on at least two out of the three “One-Health” areas (i.e. Human Health, Animal Health, and Environment). Participation of low and middle income countries is encouraged. Research focused on antimicrobials other than antibiotics, as well as research aiming to improve existing commercially exploited technologies or products, to develop/implement diagnostic tools or surveillance systems, to develop new antimicrobial drugs, or to implement existing interventions to new countries are not in the scope of this call.

The consortia must be composed by at least 3 partners eligible for funding coming from at least three different countries, including two European countries or associate (Please consult here the list of participating countries). The maximum number of partners allowed (including non-funded partner) is 6 (7 only if the consortium includes a partner coming from either low and middle income countries, or from Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland). The budget of the non-funded partners shall not shall not exceed 30% of the total requested budget. Furthermore, consortia should always consist of a majority of project partners eligible for funding. ANR will only fund the French partners of the selected projects. The maximum funding allowed is 250 000 euros (or 300 000 euros if the French partner is also the coordinator of the project).

Selected projects will be funded for an initial period of three years.

In agreement with the ANR policy, funded researchers should respect the guidelines of the Nagoya protocol and consider open access publication of their results.

Submitted projects will be evaluated following a two-step procedure. Pre-proposals should be submitted  before March 16th, 2021, 12h (CET). Selected applicants will be invited to submit their full-proposal before July 12th, 2021.

Find out more:

JPI AMR website

Last updated on 09 December 2020
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