“Château Pékin”: a documentary on the wine market in the age of globalisation, arising from the ANR VIPOMAR project
The study of the social relationships that emerge from large-scale trade in commodities is an issue that lies at the heart of the ANR VIPOMAR research project coordinated by Boris Pétric, aiming to better understand the political dynamics caused by the production, circulation and regulation of these commodities. The project's researchers have analysed transnational networks in wine, cocoa, medicines, motorbikes and contemporary art, focusing particularly on the connection points (global exhibitions, major trade fairs etc.) where they are regulated. Several innovative forms of writing have been carried out as part of this contemporary anthropology project, including “Château Pékin”.
Discover the film at its première on Wednesday 22 May 2019 at 8.30 pm in the Espace Saint-Michel, Paris.
More information on screenings can be found here