Call for contributions: Franco-Japanese symposium on Molecular Technology
Molecular Technology is a new research discipline that involves the incorporation of molecules exhibiting electric, optical, mechanical, and biological functions. These materials will impact technologies for human welfare in 20-30 years. The resulting innovations are likely to deliver solutions to the most pressing human problems, including energy, environmental and human health issues. In 2014, ANR and JST initiated a new Franco-Japanese cooperation on the theme of Molecular Technology by launching a bilateral call for proposals which resulted in the funding of four collaborative projects.
Following on from this call, both agencies have decided to organise a first symposium on the subject to be held on 9th March 2015 in Paris. This symposium will give French and Japanese researchers interested by the field of Molecular Technology the opportunity to meet and exchange points of view. Opened by Michael Matlosz, President and CEO of ANR, and Shoichiro Tonomura, Executive Director of JST, it will feature plenary conferences, oral presentations of Japanese scientific projects funded by JST (under its CREST and PRESTO programmes dedicated to Molecular Technology), and diverse communications from the French teams.
A poster session will be held to promote exchanges between the French and Japanese communities, before the potential responses to the second ANR-JST call that will be published on the ANR website at the end of January 2015. This call for proposals will be presented in detail in the closing stages of the symposium.
In addition to the presentations made by Japanese teams, the French teams are thus encouraged to propose contributions through oral presentations and poster displays. Proposals must be sent before 15th February 2015 to nazare.pereira(at), by returning the duly completed form available below.
The final programme of the symposium will be communicated in late February on the event presentation page. As the capacity is limited to 60-80 participants, registration for the symposium is compulsory, also to be done by returning the form provided below to nazare.pereira(at) by the end of February 2015.
Find out more:
- Consult the call for proposals
- Consult the symposium presentation page
- Download the symposium application and registration form
For further information concerning this event, you can contact:
- Olivier Spalla
Head of the ANR-JST "Molecular Technology" programme
- Nazaré Pereira
Project manager for the ANR-JST "Molecular Technology" programme