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A citizen science network for monitoring nocturnal migration in birds
to be set up in any habitat using autonomous recorders. Over the 18 months of the project, our consortium
A comparative and transnational history of migration policies towards exiles and refugees in nineteenth-century Europe (1815-1870)
In 19th-century Europe, political exile began to emerge as a form of mass migration and political commitment. In order to tackle that major shift, the research project focuses on the 1830s-1870s, a time period which was a crucial for the gradual definition of political exile and asylum, but also for the implementation of new policies towards foreign victims of ideological repression.
A hybrid emitter - metal nanoplasmonic platform
combined EELS / CL measurements are possible. CL is recorded to allow correlating local excitation and photon [...] spatial confinement is developed at CEMES by recording luminescence under STM tip excitation. Data i
A low-frequency radio imager for NenuFAR
Development of the autonomous imager mode of the NenuFAR low-frequency radio telescope.
A multidisciplinary analysis of the function of the LAT adaptor : a major and highly vulnerable T-cell signaling hub.
Our laboratory has an extensive experience and a record of contributions in the genetic analysis of the
A neuro-computational assessment of mood fluctuations and their impact on decision making
ical EEG is required, to obtain a continuous recording of our two regions of interest over a few days
A new methodology for continuous monitoring of sea ice thickness and mechanical resistance via passive measurement of ambient seismic noise: proof of concept at the Vallunden Lake
and Sonar data. Based on continuous, passive recordings of seismic ambient noise at an array of geophones
A new non-human primate model for translational brain research
ranging from molecular engineering to neuronal recordings and behavioral exploration. However, the use [...] master and customize imaging approaches for recording neuronal population activity at micro (two-photon [...] control, brain imaging, electrophysiological recording, molecular and genetic tools to reach the project
A new prototype of fast-heating oven dedicated to roc magnetism investigations
A new prototype of fast-heating oven dedicated to rock magnetism investigations
A new therapeutic strategy to combat metabolic complications of obesity : the inhibition of fat cell lipolysis
loss are recommended as first-line treatment. The record of anti-obesity drugs has been very poor. Instead