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Constraint Event-Driven Automated Reasoning
The two main challenges for the coming to pass of the Semantic Web are (1) scalability and (2) distribution. The problem of scalability is that a well-designed web-oriented Knowledge Base (KB) system must be able to handle larger and larger volumes of knowledge without unbearable degradation of performance. Dealing with the second challenge (distribution) is as complex an issue since it must deal efficiently and seamlessly with knowledge spread all over the net under “real-life” conditions.
CloudPower : a Cloud service providing High Performance Computing to SMEs
social issues: aerospace, finance and business intelligence, energy and environment, chemicals and materials
Calculateurs humains pour l'extraction de connaissance et l'évaluation
mentioned shortcomings by merging collective human intelligence and automated methods in a symbiotic fashion
Architecture multifonctionnelle et technologie pour capteur sans fil intelligent autonome en énergie
"The overall vision of the project is to develop comprehensive knowledge and an innovative methodology in the areas of energy autonomous wireless systems from a global system perspective, enabling sel
Archaeology of the origins: emergence and evolution of the first human technologies
First stone tools in Africa<br />Lomekwi 3: the oldest archaeological site in the world<br /><br />This project seeks to reconstruct the genesis of hominid technology as far back as 3 Ma and beyond. The goal is to study early hominids cognitive competence and motor skill exactly at their emergence and the first evolutionary steps of a new behaviour among primates: the making of stone tools.
Annotation collaborative de documents multi-modaux, multi-lingues et multi-média
economics, behavioural studies as well as artificial intelligence and computer sciences. In this regard, 3M
Animal Companions: theorizing animals relationships to work.
the Neolithic Age, but is based on interactive intelligence and bargaining with animals. These conditions
Analyzing Semantics with Frames : Annotation, Lexicon, Discourse and Automation
The project will provide resources and tools for automatic retrieval of prototypical situations (such as communications, moves, commercial transactions...) and will thus help to improve automatic acces to the meaning of electronic content, which can give a crucial technical boost to automatic summarization, document classification or information extraction.
ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information
The overall objective of the project is to propose new solutions for querying large scale multisource heterogeneous information, with two applications to web linked data and underwater archaeological surveys, where in both applications we face large data sets expressed in RDFs and OWL.