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VIrtual angiography simulation from 3D and 3D+t BRAIN VAscular models
Observing cerebral blood flows in the brain with MRI is a public health challenge. It requires specific image modalities, and depends on new technology at the frontier between medicine, physics, mathematics and computer science. The objective of this project is to propose new tools to better comprehend these complex flows.
Archaeology of the origins: emergence and evolution of the first human technologies
First stone tools in Africa<br />Lomekwi 3: the oldest archaeological site in the world<br /><br />This project seeks to reconstruct the genesis of hominid technology as far back as 3 Ma and beyond. The goal is to study early hominids cognitive competence and motor skill exactly at their emergence and the first evolutionary steps of a new behaviour among primates: the making of stone tools.
Practical algorithms for ontology-based data access
L’interrogation de données en présence d’ontologie est un nouveau paradigme dans la gestion de données qui vise à exploiter des connaissances sémantiques décrites par une ontologie afin d’améliorer les réponses aux requêtes. L’objectif de ce projet est de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes d'interrogation en présence d'ontologie qui passent à l'échelle ainsi que de nouvelles méthodes pragmatiques pour gérer de façon raisonnée les données incohérentes. <br />
Tropospheric Observing System for the Investigation and Management of the Environment
Unmanned aerial systems for atmospheric research
CloudPower : a Cloud service providing High Performance Computing to SMEs
social issues: aerospace, finance and business intelligence, energy and environment, chemicals and materials
Phenomenology of turbulent mixing in variable viscosity and density flows
Phenomenology of turbulent mixing in variable viscosity and density flows
Wide-scanning, ultra-compact, multi-beam reconfigurable antenna for the next generation of automotive radars for active safety
Design of ultra-compact reconfigurable multiple-beam antenna systems with a wide field of view for next-generation automotive radars dedicated to active safety and operating at millimeter waves (76.5 GHz, and 77-81 GHz).
Calculateurs humains pour l'extraction de connaissance et l'évaluation
mentioned shortcomings by merging collective human intelligence and automated methods in a symbiotic fashion
Architecture multifonctionnelle et technologie pour capteur sans fil intelligent autonome en énergie
"The overall vision of the project is to develop comprehensive knowledge and an innovative methodology in the areas of energy autonomous wireless systems from a global system perspective, enabling sel
Animal Companions: theorizing animals relationships to work.
the Neolithic Age, but is based on interactive intelligence and bargaining with animals. These conditions