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Hierarchical Object-based Unsupervised Learning for Computational Auditory Scene Analysis
This project studies a new hierarchical learning approach for leveraging several aspects of the so called Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA) problem.
BrainInSight : a brain-computer interface to decode attention and perception in real time
information will pave the way to a new generation of intelligent BCIs with a high potential to improve the life
SMART 3D ultrafast Laser fabrication of embedded optical functions in chalcogenide materials using self-improving spatio-temporal adaptive control: Applications in integrated spectrometry concepts for IR astrophotonics applications
SMART 3D ultrafast Laser fabrication of embedded optical functions in chalcogenide materials using self-improving spatio-temporal adaptive control: Applications in integrated spectrometry concepts for IR astrophotonics applications
Data mining for assessing and monitoring the hydrobiologic quality of running waters
The objective of preserving or restoring the good status of waterbodies, required by the European Water Framework Directive (2000), underlines the necessity to have operational tools to help in the interpretation of the complex information concerning running waters and their functioning. In this perspective, the FRESQUEAU project aims at developing new methods for studying, comparing and exploiting all the parameters available concerning the status of running waters
Plasticity and Multimodality in Oral Communication for the Deaf
visual information can greatly improve speech intelligibility. Considering the crude information delivered
Keep your Information Safe and Secure
management of widely distributed data and ambient intelligence (UVSQ & LIRIS), cryptography (INRIA & CryptoExperts) [...] proofs of concept (e-administration and ambient intelligence). Our hope is that KISS will provide a credible
Role of Action in Object Semantic Organization
The projet raises the issue of the relations between perception, action and cognition. Object knowledge would be closely bound to sensorimotor experience
Investigating the dyslexic brain
This project aims to better understand the neural and genetic bases of developpemental dyslexia, using ultra-high magnetic field MRI and advanced genome sequencing techniques.
High Performances Embedded Measurement Systems for multiDegrees of Freedom Microsystems
Development of measurement system able to precisely and quickly track displacements and forces in multi-axis microsystems
Communal nutrition in ants
The proposed project on nutrition and social organization in ants addresses a question that has long been recognized, but rarely studied: how are the collective nutritional needs of a colony regulated through the actions of their individual members