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A Machine learning approach to Identify patients with Resected non-small-cell lung cAnCer with high risk of reLapsE
(TME) characteristics, liquid biopsy, radiomics features and clinical-pathological factors could all be [...] analysis of biological, clinical and radiologic features on a training cohort of resected ESNSCLC. Secondary: [...] retrieved from computed tomography images. All these features, together with clinico-pathological factors, will
A Multimaterial and multicellular Bioprinting platform to elaborate advanced models of microenvironments
reproducing physiological or physiopathological features of the in vivo microenvironment, permitting their
A PAC-Bayesian Representation Learning Perspective
The tools offered by the PAC-Bayesian theory allow to bring an original point of view on representation learning methods while bringing strong theoretical guarantees and new directions to develop new algorithms.
A Red Golden Legend ? Muslim Hagiographic Experiences in the USSR and Popular Democracies
the states’ manipulation. What does such a feature tell us of the globalisation that has followed [...] experiences in the former East Bloc. Such classical features of textual hagiography as multiple-level meanings
A Sea of Connections: Valuing Reef Passages in the South Pacific Region
ry study of reef passages as under-researched features of social-ecological coral reef systems that
A Social History of Tibetan Societies from the 17th to the 20th Century
In collaboration with the University of Bonn, a multinational team of researchers based in France will use hitherto unexploited resources to develop a clearer understanding of Tibetan society over three centuries.
A THERMOdynamic framework for modelling MICrobial growth and community dynamics
Microbes are the most abundant living forms on earth and constitute «the microbial engines that drives earth biogeochemical cycles«. However, existing ecosystem models have today exhibit only limited abilityies in to predicting microbial dynamics and require the calibration of multiple population specific empirical equations. In contrast, we build on a new kinetic «Microbial Transition State« (MTS) theory of growth derived from first physical principles.
A bolometric detector array to prepare a next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiment of 100Mo
validation of the technology. The crucial innovative feature of the project is to fully develop and optimize
A bolometric detector array to prepare a next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiment of 100Mo
validation of the technology. The crucial innovative feature of the project is to fully develop and optimize
A bright source of Indistinguishable Polarization-entangled On-Demand photon pairs
information community with an on-demand source that features game-changing performances: pair emission efficiency [...] matrix which surrounds the QD; 2) QDs generally feature an in-plane asymmetry which leads to a finite FSS