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Green Innovation: Creativity, Risk and Social context
Innovation and creativity are two different but linked concepts. Creativity is a human act that involves the generation of novel and useful ideas. Innovation entails the implementation of these ideas into new products and processes. Innovation greatly depends on the human ability to create. Thus, the creative cognition of individuals is a key building block for innovation. There is an urgent need to investigate how and how much creative abilities are linked to different types of innovation.
Greek tragedy from East to West: the reception of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides from Byzantium to Western Europe
scholarship, this project will also bridge a gap in cultural history, in the history of the reception of Greek
Graphic Design, Research, and Social Science. Jacques Bertin's Graphics Laboratory
archives and better integrate them into our shared cultural heritage.
Graphene-based optoelectrochemical sensor for the simultaneous monitoring of the electrical and chemical activity of single cells
signals with single cell resolution both in cell cultures and organotypic tissue slices. The sensor will
Grapes and wines in France from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. Integrated approach in archeosciences
plant species in terms of economy, landscape, culture and symbolism. Great progress has been accomplished [...] Phoenician, Greek and Roman colonial movements and cultural changes linked to the spread of Christianity and
Grandes matrices aléatoires
are already trained to understand (part of) the culture of the other participants, as can be seen by several
Governing the Living, Controlling Human Reproduction. (Post)colonial Trajectories of Eugenics
who are discriminated on biological, social or cultural grounds, and to the elimination of lives considered
Governing 'New social risks'. The case of recent child policies in European Welfare States
nal settings, public ‘sentiments’ and policy ‘cultures’. They require further elaboration, if mutual
Gouvernance des systèmes urbains pour une ville résiliente
RESILIS project developed tools to implement the innovative approach of urban resilience. This implementation in applied in strategic territories like cities. The project provides interesting answers. After the detailed analysis of the principle of urban resilience, we developped methods of construction, and even co-construction. This construction mfthod allows the development of a set of pre-operational tools.
Gouvernance des aires marines protégées pour la gestion durable de la biodiversité et des usages côtiers
human wellbeing or the conservation of natural and cultural patrimony. These situations generate many various