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Time in the Wild: Mastering time during real world navigation
WildTimes aims at an understanding of time perception during real-world navigation, and asks how the human brain navigates time during complex travels. With transportations, spatial distances become less relevant and the travel duration become a crucial commodity. Using a combination of real train travel situations, lab experiments, and virtual reality, WildTimes will inform perceived level of comfort during travel, and decision processes when choosing specific travel routes.
Thérapie et Neurostimulation cérébrale de très haute précision par Ultrasons Transcraniens
s à travers la boite crânienne. Au 31 décembre 2021, 8 patients ont pu bénéficier de cette nouvelle
Three terminal tandem HEterojunction on interdigitated back contacts SIlicon Solar cell
The conversion efficiency for Si-based photovoltaics (PV) has reached a record 26.7%, which is close to the theoretical limit. To go beyond this, THESIS aims to benefit from the combination of the maturity of Si technology with the potential yield gains associated with emerging PV, through the development of a new PV tandem. This involves the integration of a perovskite solar cell stacked on a Si solar cell with interdigital contacts on the back side.
Thioacid / Azide Ligation Applied to Nucleic acids as a new tool for chemical biology
The TALAN project aims to explore the potential of the thioacid / azide ligation (TAL) (and in particular the sulfo-click reaction, involving a thioacid and a sulfonyl-azide function) as a new DNA templated bioorthogonal chemical ligation in order to provide a new tool for the detection and quantification of nucleic acids in a biological medium.
Thin-Film coating in AIR with homogenous dielectric barrier discharge
Thin-Film coating in AIR with homogeneous dielectric barrier discharge
Thermomorphic Polyethylene-Supported Organocatalysts for the Valorization of Biomass and CO2
Valorizing biomass and CO2 represents great challenges and implies the development of new catalytic tools. In this context, the thermoPESO project proposes to develop organocatalysts supported on innovative polymeric supports, that facilitates their recoverability and their recycling without compromising the catalytic activity.
Thermogenesis by creatine futile cycling: approaching the molecular mechanism
recently proposed, in 2 articles published in nature in 2021, a mechanism based on the futile cycling of creatine
Thermochemical Study of Wildfire Propagation
and thus wildfire propagation. Schneider et al. (2021) wrote that “there is a strong need to increase
Thermal Deformations of Concrete: predictive modeling for tailored design and adaptation
Modeling strategies that can describe the peculiar thermal response of cement-based materials from the underlying physics will represent an advance in the field by enhancing the confidence on the predictions of the performance and durability of cement-based materials. Also, the knowledge obtained from modelling can be used to advance in the design cement-based materials with tailored thermal properties, following the example of the research on other micro- and mesoporous materials.
The workers' socio-cultural worlds in the retail's logistic: geographically and socially disseminated ? A visual and cross-national ethnography in the world cities' backstages
Starting points of the WORKLOG project are the new forms of work organization and the «proletarianization« in the tertiary sector. We focus on retail's logistic workers that occupy an intermediate position between industry and services. Observing their residential areas, consumption practices and leisure activities, we aim to analyse how they create their own socio-cultural spaces and to what extend they are autonomous or open to other influences.