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Ultrafast Reactivity of Biomolecules under Irradiation
Ultrafast reactivity of biomolecules under irradiation
Ultradispersed metal catalysts for energy applications involving hydrogen
Ultradispersed metal catalysts for energy applications involving hydrogen
Ultra-Rapid Sintering: Multiphysics Simulation, Mechanisms, Control And Stabilization
Flash sintering (ultra-fast) is a very interesting process for the implementation of «ultra-fast« prototyping of ceramic objects. However, the inherent instability of the heating and sintering process strongly limits the use of this process to samples of a few millimeters. In this project, we will explore different hybrid heating configurations to extend the stability of the process to shapes of a few centimeters.
Ultra Low Power Wake-up Radio
The scientific motivation of U-Wake is to achieve a fully self-powered wake-up receiver prototype. It is made possible through the adjunction of ultra-low power electronic subparts (RF demodulator, neuro-inspired detector and Spiking Neural Networks) and RF energy harvesting. This object will be realized in standard industrial CMOS technology to allow low cost and wide scale deployment.
Ultra Low Power Smart 3D Cochlea
ULP COCHLEA project will permit, by mimicry, the design of smarter, smaller, cheaper and passive bioinspired acoustic sensors for long-duration in-situ monitoring and analysis of marine environment and related maritime activities especially in Mediterranean Sea. The project will enable the development of cognitive and predictive models for understanding submarine life for long spatial and temporal scales.
UPscaling and heat simulations for improving the efficiency of deep GEOthermal energy
In France, heating networks are largely dependent on fossil fuels (42%), and deep geothermal energy represents less than 5% of the energy mix of heating networks. Deployment of geothermal energy in large cities is limited by a geological risk, difficult to predict. UPGEO will work to develop a predictive numerical tool to perform thermo-hydro-mechanical simulations and assess the performance at a given location in Ile-de-France on its geothermal potential.
assessment. In addition to the Labex funding, the 2021 budget was distributed after a vote by the Board [...] total of €2,278,000 (university reopening 2020 and 2021). This budget could be supplemented by an endowment [...] commitments ". We scheduled the submission in March 2021 of this proposal to the boards of directors of the
Tropical Atlantic Deoxygenation: gateway dynamics, feedback mechanisms and ecosystem impacts
Maritime and Hydrographic Agency and deployed in 2021 – could be recovered. These robotic floats are generally
Trillions of gut microbes to rescue AED: the microbiome associated to clinical response in children epilepsy
Pharmacoresistance to anti-epileptic drugs (AED, ~30 molecules) is a major burden to patients and society, with approximately 25% of the 70 millions worldwide epileptic patients being drug-resistant. Numerous hypotheses explaining resistance to AEDs have been addressed and involve genetic and epigenetic host factors, disease severity, transporters and targets hypothesis etc. Yet part of the resistance may be linked to the metabolism of AEDs by the microbiome.
Tribological reliability of amorphous metallic alloys
Tribological reliability of Bulk Metallic Glasses