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Unraveling complex nucleation pathways in natural and engineered cements
Carbonate biominerals and engineered cements such as Portland cement are formed via the initial precipitation of disordered solids, herein called precursors. These precursors are highly hydrated and plastic, allowing the molding of intricate shapes once the cement hardens. This project addressed the factors controlling the crystallization of these precursors for both natural and engineered cements.
Université de Paris
sénat académique et le CA est prévu au printemps 2021. Université de Paris
Unequal mandate responsiveness? How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany
How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany
Une université Augmentée pour un Campus et un monde en Transition
En s'appuyant sur l'organisation mise en place en 2021, l’année 2022 a permis à ACT de développer et de [...] l’engagement de 1 326 083 € . Avec les engagements de 2021, cela représente 13% de la dotation globale
Une santé-une médecine & de l’animal à l’homme
avant dans la situation sanitaire vécue en 2020 et 2021. Man-Imal a ainsi expérimenté de multiples [...] stratégie d'accélération MIE-MN – version 01/07/2021 du gouvernement français. Man-Imal a aussi
Une culture diStinctive, des pratiqueS agileS et des eSpaces d’opportunitéS innovantS et attractifS
son cadre stratégique «?horizon 2030?» adopté en 2021, l’université de Bordeaux "vise à intensifier la
Understanding social dynamics in Europe during the pandemic
of these data and follow respondents over time in 2021 as the pandemic runs its course. Our research team
Understanding of the bacterial interaction network within seafood microbiome towards a sustainable biopreservation
Understanding the relationship between all bacteria species within the seafood microbiome will help to develop an efficient and reproducible, tailor-made biopreservation strategy, by predicting which protective cultures will be the most appropriate to shift the community toward desirable bacteria.
Understanding and preventing the photocatalytic cycle responsible for the occurrence of light-struck flavor in white wines and Champagnes
The light-struck fault is now in plain light! Thanks to the De-Light project, we have elucidated the photochemical mechanisms responsible for the formation of the drop of light and proposed technical solutions that can prevent its formation while respecting the constraints linked to the viticultural processes in force.
Ultrafast energy transfer in single nano-objects
The main objective of the ULTRASINGLE project is to contribute to a better understanding of energy transfer mechanisms occurring at the nanoscale, through the realization of time-resolved optical spectroscopy experiments on individual metal nano-objects and nanohybrids synthesized especially for the project, supplemented by numerical simulations allowing a quantitative interpretation of the measurements carried out.