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REcycling of spent Li-ion batteries and end-life photovoltaic panels: From the development of metal recovery processes to the implementation of a START-up
grow at a CAGR of 25.3% from USD 27.3 billion in 2021 to USD 67.2 billion by 2025.1 Simultaneously, there
REal-GAs effects on Loss mechanisms of ORC turbine flows
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power systems offer a great potential for waste heat recovery and environmental-friendly power generation but relatively little is known regarding the impact of real-gas effects on loss mechanisms in ORC turbine expanders. A further increase of ORC turbine efficiencies can only be achieved if relevant non-ideal compressible fluid dynamical phenomena are better understood and modeled.
REDURISK : From the scientific recommendation to the appropriation by the citizens: the reduction of the risk related to the fires on a sensitive territory
the DGPR of the EMR). The fires of the summer of 2021, which destroyed 6832 hectares in the Maures massif
Quantum Dynamics of the Diffusion of Adsorbates
The diffusion of reactive adsorbates on a catalytic substrate is an elementary step in heterogeneous catalysis. Its nature has been by 3He-spin-echo experiments. The project is to study the diffusion process from fundamental principles based on quantum mechanics in order to better understand the experimental outcomes. This study will lead to major progress in the technology of catalytic processes, essential for the world’s economy and sustainable growth.
Quantitative study of a threshold response of ERK signalling
A quantitative study of an ERK-mediated transcriptional threshold response during neural induction of ascidian (sea squirt) embryos
Protection of O2 Sensitive Catalysts Under Reductive Conditions
to occur in the same film (Nature Catalysis 4 251 2021). This new result opens the possibility for a distinct [...] catalysis (Fourmond et al, Nat. Rev. Chem. in press 2021). The results of Task 3 will also be useful and
Proof of concept for the functionalization of lignins by applying laccase-dehydrogenase enzymatic treatments in biobased materials applications
The FuncLIPRo project has been developed as a proof of concept in the context of industrial renewal and more specifically to improve the efficiency of industrial processes. It aims to deepen our understanding of lignin degrading enzymes (LDE) and in particular fungal laccases and dehydrogenases, and the mechanism of enzymatic deconstruction and modification of lignin.
Pronostic value of type I ANTi-Interferon antibodies in patients with COVID-19 acute respiratory failure: a multicenter observational study
SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to a broad spectrum of symptoms with a large inter-individual variability. Impaired interferon (IFN) type I response seems to be involved in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. Auto-antibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFN-a2 and IFN-? were found in 10% of severe COVID-19 cases . Dertermining whether auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs are associated with outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19 could lead to specific therapeutic interventions.
Projet IngéPLUS d'ouverture sociale des écoles d'ingénieurs par la diversification des cursus
et du tutorat. Comme en 2021-2022, le programme IngéPLUS en Licence a été proposé
Professionalization and Strengthening of the training at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Parakou for sustainable cotton-based production systems
strategic axes of the Government Action Program 2021-2026 of Benin.