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Engineering RNA life cycle to optimize economy of microbial energy: application to the bioconversion of biomass-derived carbon sources
Engineering RNA life cycle to optimize economy of microbial energy: application to the bioconversion of biomass-derived carbon sources
Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability : joint learnings from human-groundwater interactions
Billions of people around the world rely for their everyday existence on groundwater. Its invisibility, however, makes groundwater notoriously difficult to govern, also complicating efforts to avoid depletion or pollution. There is an urgent need to creative insights about ways of dealing with the intrinsic tensions that characterize groundwater governance: between individual and collective interests and between short-term gains and longer-term sustainability.
Rainfall Wind Turbine or Turbulence
RW-Turb relies on the expertise of HM&Co in measurement and modelling across wide range of spatio-temporal scales of atmospheric turbulence and rainfall to quantify the impact of the latter on wind power production. <br />This project benefits from an industrial partnership with Boralex, a wind power producer.<br />RW-Turb will open new paths to improve nowcasts of power production, a major challenge in a framework of increasing use of renewable energies in France and Europe.
Role of Tbx3 in directing the functional identity of POMC neurons in obesity
Chronic consumption of hypercaloric diets may trigger a ‘neuronal identity crisis’ in certain subpopulations of hypothalamic neurons due to the impaired action of the T-box gene 3 (Tbx3), a transcription factor that maintains hypothalamic neurons identity during postnatal life. Such a loss of identity may undermine the working machinery of POMC neurons, ultimately leading to obesity and its associated metabolic complications, albeit this hypothesis has yet to be investigated.
Data and Prior, Machine Learning and Control
We propose to combine machine learning and control theory for sequential decision-making of multiple agents. The project proposes fundamental contributions: adding stability to the algorithms of reinforcement learning; data driven methods for robust control; hybrid ML / CT methods for multi-horizon control and planning; decentralized control. The methodological contributions of this fundamental IA project will be applied to the robust control of UAV fleets
Temporally Heterodyned Theta Tomographic Microscopy
THTTM Project aims at characterizing moving samples using Tomographic Diffraction Microscopy (TDM). These aspects will be studied through two main axes:<br /><br />- discrimination of static/dynamic areas of a sample using laser Doppler 3D imaging<br />- Moving object characterization using TDM
Analysis of SNARE-mediated regulation of plasma cell biology
Plasma cells and the antibodies they secrete are essential for protective immune responses. However, they can also contribute to the pathology of numerous diseases. Despite their relevance in health and disease, the mechanisms underlying antibody secretion are still poorly understood. This is an essential question as a better characterization of the involved molecular actors may pave the way to improved antibody production, and to the development of new therapies for antibody-driven diseases.
Structural dynamics of a dimeric GPCR at the single molecule level
Our project aims to understand the conformational dynamics of a receptor that is part of the major drug targets.
Microscopie electronique en transmission sur le plateau Palaiseau Orsay Saclay
modes de phonons (2021), luminescence de perovskytes nanométriques (2021) [...] d’énergie sur prototype (avril 2018) et sur CHROMATEM (2021) - EELS à 10 meV de [...] stades de croissance de nanofils de GaAs sur Si (2021) NANOTEM
Collaborative citizenship and inquiry process (in schools)
concept (Schnapper, 2000) are little known (Hawthorne, 2021), and leading to gaps, or even misunderstandings [...] in and around the school environment (Terrien, 2021). This provides fertile ground for our research [...] in the PACA academic region (Bergamaschi et al., 2021, 2022). These studies identified the questions and