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Investigating the plasticity and the differentiation potential of epithelial transition zone cells during normal and perturbed homeostasis
At numerous locations of the body, transition zone lies between two types of epithelia are frequently associated with neoplasia involving both type of tissues. These junctions between our organs allow us to have a continuous lining of tissues it is thus essential to understand how they participate in the inter-organ relationship and how crucial they are to preserve organ homeostasis and function.
Cracking the role of RFRP3 in seasonal breeding with genome editing.
Is the RFRP3 peptide really involved in the central control of seasonal reproduction in sheep and hamsters? Is it possible that these neurons are responsible for the opposite timing of reproduction (autumn for the sheep, spring for the hamster) in these species?
In situ delivery of Interleukin-7 to adjuvant mucosal vaccines
We demonstrated that Interleukine-7 (IL-7) is produced in infected mucosae and is able to trigger local expression of chemokines when administered either locally or systemically, leading to massive immune cell homing into targeted mucosae. We hypothesize that locally delivered IL-7 may act as an efficient adjuvant to trigger mucosal immune responses to vaccines.
Study on management and learnings of the fight against infection and contamination by the Covid-19 in squats
Study of management and learning in the control of infection and transmission of the Covid-19 in squats.
Real Analysis and Geometry
Real Analysis and Geometry
Dataflow Algorithm aRchitecture co-design of SKA pipeline for Exascale RadioAstronomy
The exascale radio telescope Square Kilometre Array (SKA) [1] will require supercomputers with high technical demands. The Science Data Processor (SDP) pipeline in charge of producing the multidimen- sional images of the sky will have to execute in realtime a complex algorithm chain with data coming from telescopes at an incredible rate of several Tb/s and limited storage possibilities. The SDP will also have to be as green as possible with an energy budget of only 1 MWatt for 250 Petaflops.<br /><br />The SDP supercomputer will be based on a standard HPC system combined with FPGA or application-specific architectures like GPU or the manycore Kalray Massively Parallel Processor Array (MPPA). One crucial challenge is to assess the performance both in time and energy of new complex scientific dataflow algorithms on not-yet-existing complex computing infrastructures. It will be hardly possible without efficient co-design methods and rapid prototyping tools.
Phonological Networks in Language Production and Comprehension.
In a joint effort of French and German scientists specializing, respectively, in speech production and speech comprehension, this project will perform parallel production and comprehension experiments in French and German to improve our understanding of the brain mechanisms of language.
In situ microviscosity measurements in complex systems by using molecular rotors.
The microrheology of complex systems faces significant challenges: 1) in situ measurements within confined systems; 2) on line measurements in dynamic microsystems, and 3) viscosity mapping at the nanoscale. <br />MICROVISCOTOR proposes o develop a cost-effective microfluidics device capable to measure and map on-line and in real-time spatially- and time-resolved microviscosities of complex fluids by using molecular rotors.
Role of Corticoids in Ocular Rosacea
Ocular rosacea (OR) is a common but underdiagnosed ocular surface disease. It alters significantly the quality of vision and life and can threaten the visual prognosis as no treatment is available. OR results from chronic neurovascular and inflammatory mechanisms that can be triggered by corticosteroids. But the mechanisms linking corticoids and neurovascular, immune dysregulation and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in OR are unknown.
Complex and nonlinear fluids of light
CONFOcaL is a theoretical project aiming to explore the properties of disordered fluids of light. Fluids of light constitute novel and flexible systems of effectively interacting photons that exhibit many fascinating properties of quantum gases. This topic falls in line with a strong scientific activity in the field of cold atomic gases, but it addresses these questions from the original perspective of optics.