BLANC - Blanc

L'ampleur des discriminations en France: logement, crédit et ségrégation urbaine – DISCRI-SEGRE

Submission summary

We wish to quantify discrimination mechanisms in France, in focussing our research to local and urban aspects. We first measure discrimination in access to housing with testing methods. We then want to test mechanisms leading to the exclusion of economically deprived persons to the periphery of cities, with an empirical and theoretical analysis of spatial mismatch phenomenons. The analysis of networks, which has revealed extremely important understanding the determinants of access to jobs, allows for an identification of key factors (nodes) which lead long-term unemployment or crime. Access to credit is notably one of the key factors which penalizes individuals in a invisible way, and restrict their choice sets: combined to discriminations in access to housing, individuals have no choice but to live in places less favorable to human development and that of their children. Since the seminal work by Roland Bénabou (1993), economists have realized the importance of externalities and peer effects in education and skill accumulation. The last part attempt to measure the efficiency of affirmative action when it is based on territories, on the effort level of high-school students in impoverished suburbs.

Project coordination

Etienne WASMER (Université)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Help of the ANR 200,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 36 Months

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