COVID-19 - Coronavirus disease 2019

Nucleic-based rapid and portable diagnostics of COVID19. – COVIDISC

Submission summary

Since the outbreak of Ebola, in 2014, MMN-ESPCI and CIBU-PASTEUR have worked together to develop a portable test, dedicated to the detection of nucleic acids of pathogens, viruses and bacteria, exploiting the latest developments of microfluidic paper technology and molecular diagnostics. Together, we published three papers and delivered one patent. Since then, the collaboration ESPCI-PASTEUR has been very active. Recently, we succeeded to demonstrate a portable system, based on LAMP-QUASR (Loop Amplification coupled to a sensitive detection of the amplicons) in which RNA extraction is performed, amplified, the product of the reaction being detected with a smart phone. Important to note, all the components of the reaction are lyophilized, minimizing the number of pipetting steps and enabling storage at room temperature. Since February 2020, we work at applying our technology to the detection of the SARS-COV2 virus. Our technology will allow to perform millions of decentralized tests, with a minimum of equipment, thus accessible to medical offices, small labs or small clinics, with a 45 min response, sensibility and specificity comparable to PCR, with no need to send the sample to medical laboratories equipped with expensive PCR machines. The objective of the proposal is to develop our effort on this technology, including a feasibility study (prototyping/selection of reagents/first testing on clinical COVID sample), development phase (optimization/verification) and industrialization toward mass production enabling its use at large scale for the benefit of the population and the acceleration of a return to a normal situation.

Project coordination

Patrick TABELING (Chimie, Biologie, Innovation)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CBI Chimie, Biologie, Innovation

Help of the ANR 194,400 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: March 2020 - 18 Months

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