CE22 - Mobilité et systèmes urbains durables

Cultural Scenes, Ambiances and Urban Change – SCAENA


Scènes Culturelles Ambiances Et traNsformations UrbAines

Objectives of the project

Cultural and creative activities are at the heart of the profound changes that are currently affecting urban societies, their territories and their development. It challenges public policies as they constitute a powerful vector of innovation, resilience of industrial territories, the production of specific atmospheres but also gentrification. Based on the concept of cultural scene, our project aims to analyze the complex embeddedness between cultural and artistic supplies, start-ups or creative entrepreneurs, and the socio-urban pattern. Beyond a theoretical and methodological reflection on the concept of scene, we will analyze conditions of emergence, visibility and development of scenes and study their strategic issues, especially for urban governments. Our work will focus on four main fields : Nantes, Angers, Grenoble et Austin (Texas, USA).

The research is organized into three approches :

1 : Concepts and methods

2 : Emergence, visibility and development of cultural scenes

3 : Strategic issues of scenes and public policies

- Organization of three collectives workshops in Grenoble, Angers and Nantes, with two important goals : presentation of the fields and methdological work in order to harmonize the case studies proposed by the researchers.. A framework paper was written, which the researchers have to use to analyse the fields.

- a Dictionary of the scenes is in progress, and will include articles about books, authors, fields and concepts

- A website was created (https://scaena.hypotheses.org/) to comunicate about the works and actualities

- Organization of the intermediary workshop Beyond Creative Cities, with Nantes Métropole, in 2021
- Organization of the final workshop at the end of 2022
- Publication of the dictionary of the scenes
- Course for some professionals in the sector of cultural and urban policies
- Publication of a report of the works and studies
- Publication of acamedic articles by the researchers

Articles :

Capron E., Sagot-Duvauroux D., Suire R. (2020), « Anatomy of a techno-creative community – the role of places and events in the emergence of videomapping in Nantes », Papers in evolutionary economic geography, n°20 28, University of Utrecht (http://econ.geo.uu.nl/peeg/peeg.html)

Communications (conferences) :

Capron E., Sagot-Duvauroux D., Suire R. (2020), «Cross boundaries to produce novelties at the intersection of two creative sectors: the role of intermediaries«, Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Technological Era, Feb 2020, Firenze, Italy. ?hal-02617101?

Capron E. (2020). « Passer les frontières : la production de la nouveauté à l'intersection de deux secteurs créatifs », Séminaire Tourisme, territoire et culture du GRANEM, Angers, France

Michel B. (2019), « Le quartier des Olivettes : haut lieu de la scène culturelle et créative nantaise » Séminaire ANR Scaena, Nov 2019, Nantes, France. ?hal-02462233?

Michel B. (2019). « Culture, créativité et territoires : recherches menées et à venir ». Séminaire du laboratoire MRTE, Cergy, France. ?halshs-02552482?

Sagot-Duvauroux D. (2019). « Du quartier culturel à la ville créative, du cluster métropolitain à la scène urbaine. Quelles dynamiques ?», Les 60 ans du ministère de la culture, Paris, France. ?hal-02649533?

Sagot-Duvauroux, D. (2019), Modération de la table ronde « Friches Urbaines, projets transitoires : les nouveaux territoires culturels », avec la participation d’Emmanuelle Gangloff, Rencontre éclairée #1, Laboratoire Transfert, Nantes

Sagot-Duvauroux, D. (2019), « L’ancrage territorial de la culture », Collectif des Festivals, Morlaix.

Cultural and creative activities are at the heart of the profound changes that are currently affecting urban societies, their territories
and their development. It challenges public policies as they constitute a powerful vector of innovation, resilience of industrial
territories, the production of specific atmospheres but also gentrification. Based on the concept of cultural scene, our project aims to
analyze the complex embeddedness between cultural and artistic supplies, start-ups or creative entrepreneurs, and the socio-urban
pattern. Beyond a theoretical and methodological reflection on the concept of scene, we will analyze conditions of emergence,
visibility and development of scenes and study their strategic issues, especially for urban governments. Our work will focus on four main fields : Nantes, Angers, Grenoble et Austin (Texas, USA).

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


PACTE Pacte - Laboratoire de sciences sociales
Ambiances Architectures Urbanités

Help of the ANR 390,420 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2018 - 36 Months

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