LabCom - Vague1 - Laboratoires communs organismes de recherche publics – PME/ETI - Vague 1

New processes for flax fiber-reinforced composites with targeted properties. – FLAXLAB

Submission summary

The CNRT Matériaux in Caen is a CNRS mixed service unit (UMS 3318) under the joint supervision of CNRS, ENSICAEN, University of Caen Normandy and University of Le Havre Normandy. The CNRT Matériaux and DEPESTELE (industrial group active in the flax industry) propose to combine their efforts within a Joint Laboratory to develop reinforcements totally made of flax fibers or comingled with synthetic fibers, and dedicated to the manufacture of structural or functional composite materials. The scientific program of this project includes: (a) detailed study of the surface chemistry and morphology of the fibers as a function of the retting, scutching and hackling conditions; (b) study of their thermal and hydro-elastic properties; (c) study of the interactions of the fibers with polymers envisaged as matrix, in terms of wettability and adhesion, permeability, material health, etc. ; (d) investigation of the composites performances in the reference state or after various treatments (thermal, hydric, UV, etc.) and the relations with the preceding points. These results are needed to establish data sheets on (i) plant fiber reinforcements; (ii) optimal implementation conditions of the composites with plant fibers; (iii) functional properties of these fibers and associated composite materials. A major objective of this project is the possibility, in the long term, to manufacture a composite material with predefined performances from wise selection of the reinforcement and really adapted manufacturing route and appropriate parameters, which is currently not the case. The assembly stage and the operational phase of the Joint Laboratory project are planned for a period of 54 months.

Project coordination

Moussa GOMINA (Centre National de Recherche Technologique - Matériaux)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CNRT Matériaux Centre National de Recherche Technologique - Matériaux

Help of the ANR 350,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2019 - 54 Months

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