CE08 - Matériaux métalliques et inorganiques et procédés associés

Femtosecond laser-induced integrated photonic architectures for infrared fluorescent microscopy standards – ArchiFLUO

- development of specialty glasses and femtoseconde laser inscription
- spectroscopies, hyper-spectral imaging, phase imaging
- ionizing irradiations and analysis with spectrophotometry and RPE

- demonstration of highly localised energy transfers between 3D laser-inscribed highly fluorescent silver clusters and rare earth ions (Eu3+ and Yb3+), without affecting our standard inscription potential
- demonstration of 5-dimensional high-density perennial optical data storage

- Publication to come about new energy transfer in the near IR with high spatial resolution with multiscale dimension (among which some are sub-lambda down to 250 nm)
- Proposal preparation to get electron beam time at SIRIUS accelerator , with LSI/CELIA partner
- Scheduling with ARGOLIGHT compagnie to produce a first prototype of optical standard for IR microscopy with a co-doped Ag-Yb academic glass by the end of the year 2021

1. Y. Petit, G. Galleani, G. Raffy, J.-C. Desmoulin, V. Jubera, A. Del Guerzo, A.S.S. de Camargo, L. Canioni, T. Cardinal, Three-dimensional high spatial localization of efficient resonant energy transfer from laser-assisted precipitated silver clusters to trivalent Europium ions, Crystals 2021, 11, 148.
2. C.-H. Park, Y. Petit, L. Canioni and S.-H. Park, Five-dimensional high-density perennial optical data storage based on ellipse orientation and fluorescence intensity in silver-containing Zinc-phosphate glasses, Micromachines, 11, 1026 (2020).
3. M. Hongisto, A. Veber, Y. Petit, T. Cardinal, S. Danto, V. Jubera and L. Petit, Radiation-induced defects and effects in germanate and tellurite glasses, Materials 13, 3846 (2020).

Submission summary

There is a strong need nowadays by confocal microscope end-users and manufacturers to access reliable and quantitative imaging in the extended red/infrared spectral range, as crucially demanded by the pharmaceutical industry (red fluorescence), for biology imaging needs of living tissues (near-IR at 0.9-1 µm) or for molecular sensing (mid-IR in the finger print spectral range). This means that there is an identified lack of industrial solutions in terms of optical standards to calibrate such microscopes in the red/infrared range. Therefore, there is a clear necessity to produce new integrated photonics solutions for optical standards based on high-contrast red/IR emitting structures distributed in 3D with sub-wavelength resolution. Concomitantly, 3D photonic architectures with rationally-engineered sub-wavelength periodicities have led this last decade to breakthrough concepts in photonics as well as in major achievements such as three-dimensional linear/nonlinear photonic crystals and metamaterials in optics. Despite remarkable achievements, it is still highly challenging to address such direct 3D fabrication by versatile all-optical laser-based means (not lithography, no clean room), in perennial materials (not polymers), with fully embedded architectures in a robust medium as glasses (not printing on a substrate, as in 3D printing) with technological transfer compatibility.

In this context, the project ArchiFLUO ambitions firstly to develop innovative highly-photosensitive glasses under laser irradiation, to understand and improve fundamental mechanisms of glass modifications so as to create high-contrast red/IR emitting structures with sub-wavelength resolution. This will be investigated either by playing on the glass matrix behavior by introducing co-mobile alkali ions, by achieving resonant energy transfers from localized fluorescent silver clusters to IR emitters (rare earth or transition metal ions) or by the local precipitation of fluorescent dielectric / semiconductor nanocrystallites in fluoride / heavy metal oxide glasses. Secondly, ArchiFLUO ambitions to develop challenging all-optical laser-based approaches in inorganic glasses, to directly create multi-scale linear and/or nonlinear photonic crystal architectures for integrated applications such as light management or optical sensing. Thirdly, ArchiFLUO aims to succeed in technological transfer in glass science and laser irradiation processes to allow for the demonstration of new optical standard prototype as well as for the potential emergence of new industrial products so as to fill the gap of highly-demanded but still missing reliable optical standards with extended spectral range for fluorescence imaging calibration.

ArchiFLUO is a collaborative multi-disciplinary PRCE ANR project with four partners with international visibility and recognized expertise in glass science, in material and mechanism characterization, and in femtosecond laser modification of materials, namely ICMCB, CELIA, LSI and the company ARGOLIGHT. ArchiFLUO targets thus to develop cutting-edge research in both glass elaboration and in laser manufacturing, compatible with international-grade progress, which will allow for an enlarged international scientific visibility to the partners as well as an international leadership in the targeted scientific topics. ArchiFLUO will also strengthen the pioneer position of ARGOLIGHT as an innovative optical standard manufacturer.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Argolight SA
LSI Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés

Help of the ANR 462,810 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2020 - 48 Months

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