Solid phase spectroscopy for environmental diagnosis – SpecSolE
The aim of SpecSolE is to develop the use of spectroscpic technics applied to solid matrices for environmental diagnoses. The project core is the development of processes for the qualification and quantification of targeted compounds on the field, using technics commonly used in laboratory. The purpose is to reduce financial and environmental costs, keeping accurate diagnoses. This is today possible thanks to technology developments, allowing the transposing of traditional chemical analyses on the field, and methodology developments, which enable the quantification of targeted compounds.
SpecSolE targeted issue is the quantification of persistent organic pollutants in natural solid matrices, as soils and sediments. The initial statement is that satisfactory results cannot be obtained with traditional chemical analyses due to the high spatial variability of pollutants. For polluted soils, this implies that soil volumes to clean up are often over-estimated. This leads to a useless financial and environmental expense. Such core issue is also present in surface water sediment diagnoses (DCE 200/60/CE) or in fundamental research, as for paleocontamination reconstructions, or for continuous quantification of atmospheric pollutants. SpecSolE project is thus to develop the use of spectroscopic technics to enhance spatial resolution of diagnoses with time and cost savings. To this end, SpecSolE couples EDYTEM expertise with ENVISOL geostatistic skills. The technologic integration pursues by SpecSolE will contribute to increase ENVISOL knowledge production and competitiveness, and to allow its access to new markets.
SpecSolE laboratory was organized following 3 different axes: 1) instrumental integration, 2) hoarding, and 3) prospection. The coupling of these complementary axes aims at optimizing the scientific transfer and sustaining the joint structure. As a starting point, SpecSolE will adapt a time resolved spectrofluorimeter LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) for field experiments. This development will first propose punctual field measurements with a portable instrument. Then, continuous in situ measurements will be enable with the development of a logging/core logging instrument. This analysis will be associated with a quantification method obtained by chemical and spectroscopic methods coupling with chemometric models (PLS, ANN, etc).
Combining both ENVISOL (geostatistics) and EDYTEM (database) skills, the second axis will address the data integration to analyse and management systems already present in the two structures. A specific database dedicated to soils will be used as spectral library for the first axis methodology development.
Technological watch and prospection realized in the third axis is essential for the sustainment strategy of SpecSolE structure. The prospection of new applications emergences or spectroscopic technics for solid phase developments will constitute the basis of this axis. In this end, SpeSolE will notably participate to national or international congress (Pollutec, ENOVA, ...).
Project coordination
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
Help of the ANR 300,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
December 2018
- 36 Months