Advanced cross-linked single-ion polymer electrolytes toward lithium metal batteries – TATABATT
The multidisciplinary, intersectoral and ambitious TATABATT project aims at addressing the current issues for the broad commercial development of lithium metal polymer batteries (LMPBs) using a tunable ground-breaking chemical platform for the generic design of plasticized polymer electrolytes based on cross-linked single-ion polymer networks (CL-SIPEs). The proposed synthetic strategy involves the mild polyaddition of commercially available precursors that allows a broad flexibility regarding the structural features of the polymer matrix (e.g. ether, carbonate, nitrile), the anion (e.g. TFSI, FSI, borate, phosphonate, sulfonate, carboxylate) and the cross-link density. This up-scalable versatile design exclusively based on commercial precursors enables to easily tune the functional properties (e.g. ionic transport, electrochemical stability, mechanical properties) of the resulting solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs). Then, a transition from dry SPEs to plasticized SPEs (<30 wt% of e.g. carbonates, glymes, fluorinated additives) will be considered to ensure high conductivity at room temperature. The best performing CL-SIPEs will also serve to develop asymmetric interpenetrated bilayer SPEs with properties optimized to the specific conditions imparted by the interfaces of the negative Li metal and the high potential active materials at the positive (NMC or LMFP). Finally, the project will also involve the processing and up-scale of the best materials thanks to extrusion process to develop 20 Ah LMPB demonstrators. We aim at providing tailored plasticized solid-sate SIPEs presenting high ionic conductivity at room temperature, good mechanical properties and increased safety in order to achieve a breakthrough allowing a significant impact on the industry and society. These technical targets are not reached by today’s best solid-state technologies nor by those involving liquid electrolytes.
Project coordination
Eric Drockenmuller (Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
LEPMI Institut polytechnique de Grenoble
IMP Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères
Help of the ANR 452,579 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
December 2022
- 48 Months