CE43 - Bioéconomie, de la biomasse aux usages : chimie, matériaux, procédés et approches systémiques

Unlocking the cellulosic biomass electroconversion for efficient biosourced synthons production – MASTERS

Submission summary

The project MASTERS aims the groundbreaking electroconversion of the cellulosic biomass in order to power the transition to a sustainable circular bioeconomy. We will engineer customized electrocatalytic interfaces for the simultaneous co-production high-value chemicals of gluconate and glucarate plus clean H2 gas. The major aspiration is to obtain the performance-descriptor (activity, selectivity, stability) parameters that dictate the selective electrocatalytic transformation of the waste cellulosic biomass into these biosourced synthons of high interest.
Cellulosic biomass represents an abundant and renewable alternative to fossil sources to produce platform chemicals and fuels. However, the current challenge on the poor performance of electrocatalysts must be overcome. Conceptually, the electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulosic biomass instead of water in electrolyzers is expected to decrease the required energy by the low oxidation potential. Yet, the circuit from the synthesis to the use of electrocatalysts is a puzzling process, because it includes different time and space scales. Current synthesis methods use organic surfactants, stabilizers or precursors so that remaining and strongly attached residues on the electrocatalysts surface reduce the number of active sites and alter the efficiency.
In this ANR JCJC project, we hypothesize that bare (ligand-free) porous Ag-Au alloys directly synthesized onto a centimeter-sized gas diffusion electrode (GDE) can selectively oxidize at high current biomass-derivates by their terminal carbons without the carbon-carbon bonds break in a flow electrolyzer. The new type of electrocatalysts onto GDE compatible with the electrolyzers’ needs will represent a real breakthrough, matching an industrial and pressing socio-economic necessity. The project MASTERS will develop a transversal approach at the forefront of electrochemical sciences to lead to groundbreaking scientific results and impact in terms of patents/publications.

Project coordination

Yaovi HOLADE (Institut Européen des Membranes)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


IEM Institut Européen des Membranes

Help of the ANR 238,890 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 42 Months

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