CE09 - Nanomatériaux et nanotechnologies pour les produits du futur

2D nanolaminate - nanofluidic ionic diodes hybrid membranes for desalination and water purification (2D-MEMBA) – 2D-MEMBA

Submission summary

Nanomaterials hold promise for the development of innovative membranes towards the purification of water and desalination. Two-dimensional materials (2D) when stacked in 2D nanolaminates have been investigated for molecular sieving via size-limited diffusion in the 2D capillaries while nanofluidic ionic diodes can efficiently control the diffusion of ions depending on their charges. Within 2D-MEMBA, we propose to realize and study novel designs of membranes combining nanolaminates and ionic diodes. To reach this goal we will first elucidate the role of surface chemistry on the structural and nanofluidic behaviors of nanolaminates made of charged and/or functionalized nanosheets. We will then investigate the ion and water permeation through the nanolaminate/ionic diodes hybrids under forward and reverse osmosis configurations. Our concerted effort will not only provide insight on nanofluidics but will also lead to practical strategies for large-scale applications for water treatment.

Project coordination

Damien Voiry (Institut Européen des Membranes)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


IEM Institut Européen des Membranes
NIMBE Nanosciences et innovation pour les matériaux, la biomédecine et l'énergie

Help of the ANR 484,554 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2021 - 48 Months

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