Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

Centre Européen pour les Mathématiques, la Physique et leurs Interactions


Keywords: mathématiques; physique; atomes froids; dynamique; topologie et applications; modélisation stochastique.


Ten thematic semesters have been organized in 2013-2022 on CEMPI research themes. Interaction with local and national industries was intensified, in collaboration with the Equipex FLUX, notably for the development of novel manufacturing processes of optical fibers. Two projects for FEDER funding were obtained for the period 2013-2015. A new CPER project «Ondes et Matières pour le Deep Tech» has been obtained in 2019 for 6 years and a total budget of 26M euros. It follows the CPER proejct «Photonics for Society» (2015-2021). Several scientific prizes were won by CEMPI researchers: F. Kassel (Lab.P. Painlevé) obtained the CNRS Médaille de Bronze (2015) and an ERC grant (2016). R. Clukers (Painlevé) and A. Amo (PhLAM) received an ERC consolidator grant in 2013 (resp. 2019). J.-C. Garreau received the Leconte prize of the French Academy of Sciences (2015). C. Évain was awarded the J.L. Laclare prize 2017 of the French Physics Society.N. Idrissi was awarded the «Cours Peccot» 2019-2020 of Collège de France for his work during his Phd at Painlevé. In 2020, D. Tanré (LPP), with his co-authors U. Bujis (Univ. de Malaga) and U. Felix (Univ. catholique de Louvain) was awarded the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize. In 2021, C. Cancès (LPP) was awarded the prize «Blaise Pascal of the Académie des Sciences» for his work in modelization and numerical analysis of thermodynamical systems coming from physics. C.Badea (LPP), V. Devinck (a former PhD student in LPP), and S. Grivaux (LPP) are the recipients of the 2021 «G. de B. Robinson Award of the Canadian Mathematical Society». E. Roussel (PhLAM) obtained the CNRS Médaille de Bronze (2022) and D. Radchenko (LPP) obtained an ERC grant (2022). In 2020, a new working seminar on Topology and Matter was created to stimulate collaborations around the Focus Area II (see project) between the two partner laboratories. It was recently strenghtened due to the impulsion of the arrival of a brillant topologist at Painlevé on a Chair Prof. Junior.


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.

General informations

Acronym: CEMPI
Reference Number: 11-LABX-0007
Project Region: Hauts de France
Discipline: 1 - Math Info
PIA investment: 6,960,395 €
Start date: February 2012
End date: December 2024

Project coordination : Emmanuel FRICAIN
Email: emmanuel.fricain@univ-lille.fr

Consortium du projet

Partenaire(s) : CNRS Hauts-de-France, Université de Lille

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