M-ERA.NET – Materials Science and Engineering for innovation in Europe – 2024/2025
ERA-NET for research and innovation on materials and battery technologies, supporting the European Green Deal
Established in 2012, the M-ERA.NET consortium has brought together a vast network in the field of materials, enabling collaboration between the main academic and industrial research partners from European and non-European countries and regions. The supported projects have promoted the production of knowledge ranging from fundamental research to innovative industrial applications.
In recent years, significant efforts have been made to strengthen, in particular, the introduction of new materials and the integration of the necessary products and processes. The M-ERA.NET Call 2024 will specifically aim to respond to societal challenges and technological needs with an interdisciplinary approach. Indeed, advanced materials have been classified as key enabling technologies (KET) that can contribute to the development of technologies targeted by the SET (Strategic Energy Technology) plan, and to the improvement of energy efficiency and use of resources.
In addition, this call underlines the commitment of the European Union (EU) to the circular economy and sustainable development objectives, in connection with the adoption by the European Commission of a new circular economy action plan, in order to help European businesses and consumers.
A call to projects structured, for the ANR, around three themes
The objective of this call for projects is therefore to contribute to the promotion of a research community (academic and industrial) at the European and international level. Research actions may concern a wide range of the value chain in the field of materials.
The MERANET call will include six themes, three of which are eligible for the ANR:
- Advanced and sustainable materials for energy.
- Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces. (not eligible for ANR)
- High performance composites (not eligible for ANR)
- Functional materials
- Materials addressing environmental challenges (not eligible for ANR)
- Next-generation materials for advanced electronics
For the detailed topic descriptions and their respective TRL ranges please refer to the Call Text.
The Call Text (“Guide for Proposers”), including among other information the list of countries and regions participating in the call for projects, is available on the call for projects website M-ERA.NET Call 2024 (Joint Call 2024 - M-ERA.NET).
Selected project partners will be funded directly by their respective national/regional organizations (agencies or ministries). As a result, national/regional eligibility rules apply in addition to those specific to the call.
In particular, participants requesting funding from ANR must read the document “Appendix for Partners requesting funding from ANR”, accessible on this page.
Projects submission and evaluation will take place in two steps, in cooperation between all funding partners. Project pre-proposal and proposals must be written in English and have to be submitted by the Coordinator on the submission website respecting requested format and terms, available online on the website Joint Call 2024 - M-ERA.NET.
Only pre-proposals selected after the first evaluation step will be allowed to submit a full proposal.
Partners requesting funding from ANR invited to stage 2 will be contacted by email (deadlines and precise address will be specified via email) to submit their full proposal to the ANR platform.
Throughout the process, the call secretariat (office(at)m-era.net) is the point of contact for all candidates.
National contact points at ANR
Contacts :
Larissa Chaperman
email : Larissa.CHAPERMAN(at)agencerecherche.fr
Aymen Ben Amor
email : Aymen.BENAMOR(at)agencerecherche.fr
Scientific Advisor for ANR :
Paolo Bondavalli
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the appelsprojetsrecherche.fr portal
The appelsprojetsrecherche.fr portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.
Portail appelsprojetsrecherche.fr