Generic call for proposals – AAPG 2025
Provisional schedule for AAPG 2025
Step I
- July 2024: publication of the Work Programme 2025 and the text of AAPG 2025 call
- Beginning of September 2024: publication of the AAPG 2025 guide, the pre-proposal template and the certificate for PRME projects; publication of the specific appendices for PRCI projects; opening of IRIS for the submission of a JCJC, PRME, PRC, PRCE project and registration of a PRCI project (“ANR lead Agency” modality and “Non-lead agency modality”)
- 15 October 2024, 17h (Paris time): closure of the submission and registration Step 1
- 18 february 2025: Notification of Step 1 results to the coordinators of an eligible project; final evaluation report available in IRIS
Step II
- 20 february 2025: publication of the full proposal form; opening of IRIS for the submission of JCJC, PRME, PRC, PRCE and PRCI projects (“ANR lead Agency” modality and “Non-lead agency modality”)
- 27 march 2025, 5:00 PM (Paris time): closure of the submission Step 2
- End of May 2025: opening of the rebuttal stage on IRIS
- June 2025: publication of first results (JCJC, PRME, PRC and PRCE)
- From September 2025: grant agreement phase
- From September 2025 to December 2025: publication of PRCI results according to the schedule of negotiations with the foreign agencies
Research themes
The AAPG 2025 call is structured into 57 research themes, each corresponding to a scientific evaluation panel (CES).
- 38 research themes covering 7 main scientific fields (including 1 new theme in Physics);
- 19 research themes covering trans- or interdisciplinary challenges and integrating issues from various scientific fields.
When researchers submit a pre-proposal / register a PRCI project, they select the scientific theme – and therefore the scientific evaluation panel – that most closely relates to the scientific purpose of their research. This choice cannot be changed during the selection process.
As the scientific themes may change between two editions of the call, scientific coordinators are invited to carefully read the descriptions of the scientific themes in the AAPG 2025 call text.
Funding instruments
The Generic Call for Proposals 2025 involves five funding instruments. These instruments aim to fund individual research projects coordinated by young researchers (JCJC instrument); or ambitious research projects led by a team (PRME instrument); or collaborative research projects between research organisations in a national context (PRC instrument) or in an international context (PRCI instrument); or collaborative research projects between research organisations and Enterprises (PRCE instrument).
When submitting a project, researchers choose the most appropriate funding instrument for their scientific objectives and partnership. The funding instrument cannot be modified during the selection process.
Each funding instrument having its specificities in terms of submission, eligibility and evaluation, scientific coordinators are invited to carefully read the descriptions of the funding instruments in AAPG 2025 call text.
Registration of PRCI projects
Collaborations open to the “Collaborative Research Project – International” (PRCI) instrument can take 3 submission and evaluation modalities:
- “ANR Lead Agency” modality: ANR is responsible for the main submission and evaluation of the projects, according to the evaluation process and schedule of the AAPG call. The collaborations concerned require the registration of the project to the ANR in step 1 of the AAPG call, then the submission of a detailed proposal to the ANR in step 2. The foreign partner may have to submit a copy of the project to the foreign funding agency.
- “Foreign Lead Agency” modality: the foreign funding agency is responsible of the main submission and evaluation of the projects, according to its own evaluation process and its own schedule. The collaborations concerned do not require registration of the project in step 1 of the AAPG call. However, a copy of the project submitted to the foreign agency is required, within a specific schedule.
- “Non- Lead Agency” modality: the projects are submitted to the two funding agencies, according to the schedule and specific terms of each agency. The evaluation is carried out by the two funding agencies according to their own evaluation process and schedule. The collaborations concerned require the registration of the project to the ANR in step 1 of the AAPG call, then the submission of a detailed proposal to the ANR in step 2.
Whatever the PRCI collaboration targeted, the selection for funding is made by joint agreement of the two financing agencies, and each of the agencies funds the teams in its country, according to its own founding procedures.
The provisional list of PRCI bilateral collaborations and the themes concerned is available in the text of the AAPG 2025. Before any registration of a PRCI project at the AAPG 2025, coordinators are invited to consult the appendices dedicated to each PRCI bilateral collaboration to confirm the opening of the collaboration, its modality and the themes concerned.
Warning: the results of the PRCI projects submitted to the AAPG 2024 will be known from September 2024 until December 2024 according to the schedule of negotiations with foreign agencies. Pending these results, the coordinators of a PRCI project awaiting results must register their project for the 2025 edition of the call (in the case of a collaboration "ANR lead agency" or "out lead agency modality" in the 2025 edition) (or submit a new PRC/PRCE/PRME/JCJC project).
In the case of selection for funding in AAPG 2024 call, the coordinators must cancel their registration PRCI (or submission of a PRC, PRCE, PRME or JCJC project) under the 2025 edition by email to the address
- Annexes
- Appendice co-funding ANR-DGOS (in french)
- PRCI - French - American - NSF – Molecular chemistry
- PRCI - French - American - NSF – Neurosciences
- PRCI - French - American - NSF – Quantum
- PRCI - French - American - NSF - Digital sciences, Mathematics and their interactions
- PRCI - Franco - German - DFG
- PRCI - Franco - Austrian - FWF
- PRCI - Franco - Brazilian - FACEPE
- PRCI - Franco - Brazilian - FAPESP
- PRCI - Franco - Canadian - CRSNG
- PRCI - Franco - HK - RGC
- PRCI - Franco - Luxembourgish - FNR
- PRCI - Franco - Quebecers - FRQ
- PRCI - Franco - Taiwanese - NSTC
- PRCI - Franco - Swiss - FNS
Waiting for the opening of the submission and registration website
- I read the description of the scientific themes of the AAPG 2025 to make the best choice when submitting my project; cf. text of the AAPG 2025 call
- I read the description of the funding instruments applicable to the AAPG 2025 call in order to choose the one corresponding to the objectives of my project and the planned partnership, cf. text of the AAPG 2025 call
- I inquire about the update of the RNSR page of my laboratory (Répertoire National des Structures de Recherche
- If necessary, I create an ORCID identifier
- If necessary, I create an account on IRIS and fill in the information related to my CV
- I find out about the categorization of my establishment, cf. webpage dedicated to the Funding regulations, section « Formulaire de déclaration des activités / qualification des bénéficiaires des Aides » (in French)
- I contact my future managing authority to anticipate the calculation of the amount of aid requested from the ANR, required for the submission / registration of my project in step 1
- I contact the competitiveness clusters if I am interested in the labeling of my project.
- For administrative and financial question about your project: aapg.adfi(at)
- For scientific question about your project:
- In case of a technical anomaly in the submission website: please specify: the panel and the acronym of the project; the email address used to login and your role in the project (coordinator, partner’s principal investigator, …); the action made and the result.
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.