Selected – 2023

Co-funded call for proposals in the frame of the RIA « Long term Europe Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy» to fund research and innovation dealing with renewable energy in Africa.

As part of the Europe-Africa LEAP-RE program, co-funded by the European Commission, 9 R&D funding organizations are launching a call for projects coordinated by ANR and MESRS (Algeria). LEAP-RE is intended to fund transnational research and innovation projects dealing with the subject of renewable energies in Africa in order to increase their use through a balanced set of research, demonstration and technology transfer projects on both continents.

Energy is identified as one of the major components of the African Union - European Union Strategy which materialized in the joint declaration of application at the 5th African Union - European Union summit held in Abidjan in November 2017. LEAP-RE is a programme implemented in this framework.

This programme aims to develop a long-term partnership between the African Union and Europe in research and innovation on renewable energies between the two continents (Long term Europe Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy: LEAP - RE). It brings together 83 partners from Europe and Africa, public and private.

Scope of the Call and priority Areas for Collaboration

The range of activities recommended for collaboration under LEAP-RE, will focus on 6 identified multi-annual roadmaps presented in the Call:

  • Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources and integration of RES in sustainable energy scenarios
  • end of life of RE components;
  • smart stand-alone systems;
  • smart grids;
  • productive uses of energy;
  • domestic uses of energy.

Call text, containing also the list of Countries and Regions participating at the call, is available at LEAP-RE website as well as on this page.

9 countries will participate financially in the call for proposals:

3 African countries: Algeria, Morocco, South Africa

6 European countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Romania

Projects funded under the present call for proposals should have a minimum consortium size of four partners from four different countries (2 from Europe and 2 from Africa).

At least one partner of the Consortium of each continent (Europe and Africa) should be from a country participating in the Call and eligible to receive support from the relevant participating funding organisation. Partners of the selected projects will be funded directly by their respective national organizations (agencies or Departments). As a result, national regulations apply in addition to call rules.

Each consortium must include at least one partner from the public sector (academic, public research …) and one partner from a commercial company located in participating (to this Call) countries.

African partners from other countries than participating countries may also be funded (see the text of the call for more details), although the resources available for this are limited.

The ANR will only fund French teams. In particular, French partners requesting funding from ANR should read the document "Terms and conditions for French participants", available on this page.

Key dates:

Opening of the call for proposals: July 8th 2022

Deadline for submission of preproposals: September 23rd 2022, 12:00 CEST

Communication on applications selected for full proposals round: mid-November 2022

Deadline for submission of full proposals: January 27th 2023, 17:00 CET

Final funding decisions communicated to proposers: End-March 2023

All along the selection process, the call secretariat (email address: pilier1(at) is the contact point for all candidates. For questions about the national/regional funding regulations: please contact your national contact person (table 1 and appendix IV of the Call text).

Erratum of 08 december 2022:
Version 2.0 of the LEAP_RE 2022 text call to replace the version 1.0 (published initially on the 08 of July 2022) - Update the deadline of final proposition submission - Pages modified : 5,15 and 18 (January 12th 2023 17:00 CET -> January 27th 2023 17:00 CET)
Version 2.0 of the modalités pour les participants français to replace the version 1.0 (published initially on the 08 of July 2022) - Update the deadline of final proposition submission - Pages modified : 1 and 3

Opening : 2022-07-08 at 00:00 CEST
Deadline for pre-proposals submission : 2022-09-23 at 12:00 CEST
Deadline for full proposals submission : 2023-01-27 at 17:00 CET

National contact point :

Marie-Laure Tarot

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Tel. : +33 (0) 1 80 48 83 74

Courriel : marie-laure.tarot(at)

François Moisan

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Courriel : francois.moisan(at)


Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal

The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.


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