Call for transnational research proposals: JPI CH Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics (JPI CH CHSE) 2022

Scholars are invited to submit research proposals exploring the relationships between cultural heritage, society and ethics. Trans- and inter-disciplinary approaches are particularly welcomed insofar as such approaches are critical for developing novel research insights in the field.
Two topics
Two themes have been selected by the funding organisations for this call. Research applicants may choose to address either of these two themes or to weave in research questions and approaches inspired by both of them. These two themes are:
- Cultural heritage and economic development
- Cultural heritage and sustainable strategies
Please consult the call text for further details.
Budget and participating countries
For this call, 4 770 000 euros is made available to researchers by funding organisations based in the following countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom who can jointly submit a proposal. UEFISCDI (Romania) is no longer amongst the funding organizations for this call.
Prospective research applicants are invited to consult national eligibility criteria in the call text (see below).
Eligibility criteria
Please note the following general eligibility criteria for this call:
- The minimum duration of funded projects is 24 months (2 years) and their maximum duration is 36 months (3 years).
- All research project proposals must involve a minimum of three Principal Investigators/partners based in eligible institutions in participating countries.
- A maximum of five Principal Investigators/partners may participate in each project proposal.
- At least one stakeholder must be involved as an Associate Partner to strengthen the impact and societal relevance of the project.
- Applications must meet the eligibility criteria and budgetary requirements of the funding organisations they wish to seek funding from.
- All documents must be submitted in English.
To support prospective applicants in creating or consolidating transnational research consortia that meet the above-mentioned eligibility criteria, the JPI CH CHSE call secretariat managed by ANR will organise one or several online information event(s) during the months of March and April and provide access for all registered research applicants to an online secured match-making platform. To register for the online information sessions and/or the match-making platform, please visit:
- Documents
- JPI CH CHSE Call text (V4 06.08.2022)
- Appendix for french participants (V2 05.10.2022)
- SIM Guidance Note - stage 1
- SIM Guidance Note - stage 2
- FAG and Glossary (v5 07.12.2022)
- Stage 1 – application form
- Stage 1 submission portal (SIM)
- Stage 2 – application form
- Stage 2 - Budget tables
- Stage 2 submission portal (SIM) - NB: the link will be provided to eligible applicants at the end of stage 1
- Selection
- List of selected projects
Erratum on 8 June 2022 regarding UEFISCDI’s (Romania) withdrawal from the group of funding organizations for this call. Edited documents: call text (suppression of the information related to UEFISCDI at page 9 and Annex A).
This call consists in two steps: consortium building and pre-proposal submission (stage 1) and full proposal development and submission (stage 2). Please read the call text for further details.
Stage 1
8 March 2022: opening of the pre-proposal submission portal
23 May 2022, 3pm CEST: deadline for submitting pre-proposals
Stage 2
7 June 2022: opening of the full proposal submission portal
5 September 2022, 3pm CEST: deadline for submitting full proposals
About JPI Cultural Heritage & Global Change
This call is part of a series of transnational research calls organised jointly by JPI CH participating countries. Previous calls have investigated research questions related to digital heritage (2017), heritage in changing environments (2018), conservation, protection and use (2019), identities and perspectives (2020).
Since 2010, eighteen countries in various combinations have funded joint transnational calls. Fifty-five research projects into cultural heritage have started of which twenty-six have now been completed. The completed projects are funded from the JPICH calls: First Pilot Call (2013) and Heritage Plus Joint Call (2014).
Contact details
Benjamin Konnert
Charles Giry-Deloison
Email : charles.girydeloison(at)
For any technical issues, please write to jpich-chse-2022(at)
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.