Selected – 2023

Call for proposals : Science avec et pour la société – Recherches participatives 2

The French National Research Agency, wishing to contribute to the development and structuring of participatory research in France, is launching the call “Science avec et pour la société – Recherches participatives 2” with the objective of supporting the maturation of emerging projects over a period of 12 to 18 months with a maximum funding of 100 k€ per project.

The SAPS-RA-RP2 2023 call is expected to support emerging participatory research projects, associating academic and non-academic actors willing to pool their knowledge, skills and experience to provide concrete answers to scientific questions (which they will have defined together) that can be directly appropriated by civil society.

The funding allocated by the ANR aims to support, for a maximum period of 18 months, the constitution of the consortium, the definition of the research question, the development of the method envisaged to answer it and the carrying out of studies or preparatory actions for the project itself (field surveys, data collection, feasibility tests, consultancy, etc.) It could therefore be, for example, projects where the problematic is relatively advanced but the research protocol is not yet defined; for which it is necessary to mobilise partners (researchers, stakeholders, operational or field actors), to constitute or consolidate a team, to establish a state of the art, to collect, to save, to analyse data, to elaborate a strategy and a roadmap; to conceive a methodology and to test it, to identify biases, brakes and levers of action, etc.

The consortia that will have been supported in the framework of this SAPS-RA-RP2 call will have to be able to formalise, within 12 to 18 months after the end of their ANR project, a "follow-on" project proposal that is sufficiently mature and robust to be eligible and competitive for other national or international calls for tenders.

Opening : 2023-04-24 at 14:00 CEST
Application Deadline : 2023-06-29 at 15:00 CEST


Tristan Lescure : tristan.lescure(at)

Funded projects


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