Selected – 2012

Blanc International 2 Programme

New cooperation with Portugal (FCT)

Cooperation with Mexico (CONACYT) now open

New cooperation with Hong Kong (RGC)

Cooperation with Brazil (FAPESP and FACEPE) now open

The aim of the Blanc International programme is to provide a significant stimulus to ambitious scientific projects that are competitive on an international level, are highly original and break away from traditional research paths.

By launching transnational calls for proposals targeting collaborations with several countries in strategic domains, the ANR gives French researchers the opportunity to begin or to further their scientific collaborations, and thereby hopes to give rise to European and international teams of excellence.

Thus, to facilitate and encourage the setting up, deployment and cofinancing of the bilateral transnational projects proposed by French and foreign teams, the ANR has concluded specific cooperation agreements with several foreign funding agencies.

ANR funding of a project selected under this call for proposals shall be key to the success of the project, and clearly aim at enhancing the international competitiveness of French scientific research in the sector concerned.

In order to accommodate the constraints of the various foreign agencies in their programme schedule, the Blanc International Programme 2012 has been divided into two parts:  Blanc International I and Blanc International II.

The present call for proposals concerns the Blanc International II programme. The “Blanc International I “ call was published in October 2011.

This "Blanc International II" call for proposals only concerns proposals made jointly with foreign teams who qualify according to the cooperation agreements mentioned in the call text. Other countries might be added to this "Blanc International II" framework no later than mid-January. In that case the new collaborations will be announced on that page.

The conditions of submission and selection common to all the agreements made with the foreign funding agencies are described in the call text. The conditions specific to each country / funding agency are detailed in an appendix specific to each country / agency for that call for proposals. Except the appendix specific to Brazil to be published soon.

Opening : 2011-12-16 at 11:50 CET
Application Deadline : 2012-03-21 at 13:00 CET

The titles of the Evaluation Panels for the Blanc International II Programme and the list of key words associated with each panel are given in an appendix to the call for proposals. This information will enable the project coordinators to identify the panel in charge of their scientific theme. Reminder: a given project cannot be registered for two different ANR calls for proposals with the same year of edition.

The complete submission file comprises two documents that must be filled out:

  • The "scientific document" is the scientific and technical description of the project. The document template is available in Word format (*.doc) in the downloads section. Once completed, this document is to be uploaded to the submission website. Deadline for electronic submission is 21/03/2012 at 13h (Paris local time - GMT + 1 hour).
  • The administrative and financial document is completed online on the submission website. For foreign partners, only names and contact details need to be provided.  Once scanned in PDF format and signed by the French partners, the French coordinator must upload it to the submission website before 13h00 on 06/04/2012 (Paris local time - GMT + 1 hour).

ANR Programme Director

Ms. Isabelle Morelon




Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal

The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.


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