ANDRA's call for proposals "Optimization of post dismantling radioactive waste management"
The dismantling of nuclear facilities represents a global challenge and will generate a very large amounts of radioactive waste. In France, the National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) has been working on volume reduction for its disposal facilities, and more generally on waste management optimization. To address this issue, Andra relies on four development fields: deployment of high-performance industrial equipments, introduction of services and consulting ahead of dismantling strategies, public expertise and Research and Development.
On the latter, Andra in cooperation with ANR and with the support of the French "Investments for the future" program has decided to launch a call for proposals dedicated to radioactive waste management issued from the dismantling of nuclear facilities. The objective is to stimulate innovation on this topic.
Four R&D topics
This call is declined around four R&D topics:
- Characterization of sites, equipments and waste,
- Waste sorting and treatment,
- New materials for disposal,
- A transverse thematic to human and social sciences called "innovation and society".
This call is dedicated to research establishments and laboratories, researches in fundamental research, as well as companies for collaborative industrial research and experimental development projects. The participation of SMEs is particularly welcomed. This call is funded, thanks to the "Investments for the future" program, with a global budget of 45 million euros. Selected projects will be funded for a duration of 4 years maximum.
With this initiative, Andra aims at encouraging the use of technologies and know-how, already existing or in development in other activity sectors (aeronautic, metrology, etc.), for radioactive waste management.
Deadline for projects electronic submission : March the 9th 2015 at 1 pm (link).
Due to the large number of submissions, it is recommended to fill in requested information before the deadline
A scanned version of the submission form signed by all partners has to be sent before: March the 23rd 2015 at 1 pm.
Mrs Camille LE FLOCH, ANR
01 73 54 81 82
01 73 54 82 97
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.