2nd Transnational Call for research projects within the framework of the ERA-Net EMIDA
Eighteen countries are participating in this call for proposals: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
This call includes the following specific activity lines with several specific topics each:
1- Ecology and animal health – diseases transmitted by arthropods
2- Ecology and animal health – wildlife reservoirs of several infectious pathogens
3- Zoonoses
4- Antimicrobials and antihelmintics: resistance and alternatives for use
5- Production diseases – disease susceptibility
6- Production diseases – epidemiology, diagnostics and vaccination
7- Diseases in aquaculture
8- Epizootic diseases
Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve a minimum of three and a maximum of ten partners from at least three different participating countries (see list above). Funding will be awarded for a maximum of three years. The ANR will fund only the French partners in the selected projects.
It is a two-stage submission procedure for joint applications:
- Pre-proposal submission deadline: 3 May 2011 at 13h00 (Paris time)
- Invitation to submit full proposals: end of June 2011
- Full proposal submission deadline: 7 September 2011 at 13h00 (Paris time)
- Announcement of funding decision: December 2011
The call text and the guidelines for applicants are accessible both on this website and https://www.submission-emida-era.net/
The pre-proposal must be electronically submitted on the Eranet EMIDA website: https://www.submission-emida-era.net/
For further information please contact:
EMIDA call office:
Dr. Petra E. Schulte, Projektträger Jülich (PtJ), Geschäftsbereich BIO, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Direct line: +49 2461 61-9031 / Fax: +49 2461 / 61 - 1790 / Petra.schulte(at)fz.juelich.de
ANR, France:
Dr. Serawit Bruck-Landais
Tel: 33 (0)1 73 54 81 70
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the appelsprojetsrecherche.fr portal
The appelsprojetsrecherche.fr portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.
Portail appelsprojetsrecherche.fr