Work Programme 2019

Work Programme 2019 is the French National Research Agency’s (ANR) roadmap, outlining its actions and funding instruments for the coming year. The programme, set up in conjunction with research institutions, is designed to provide all scientific communities with a general overview of the agency’s funding proposals. Work Programme 2019 was adopted by the ANR Governing Board on 3 July 2018.


What’s new for 2019

The Agency has clarified the scientific scope of each of the 48 themes of the Generic Call for Proposals (AAPG) 2019 to make it clearer for everyone concerned. The themes are now grouped together by research area. The ANR, working alongside research institutions, also pledges its ongoing commitments to promoting a culture of research integrity, giving due consideration to sex and/or gender aspects in the research and evaluation process, complying with the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, and fostering open publication of scientific data. Therefore, the Agency has incorporated into the Work Programme the French state’s strategic priorities and those arising from national plans to strengthen research in specific areas in response to present-day scientific and societal challenges.

As part of its ongoing simplification drive, the ANR has reduced the volume of the Work Programme 2019 documents to less than 100 pages. The documents include the full-text versions of Work Programme and the AAPG, plus an AAPG Guide.

These changes are outlined below and explained in the full-text version of Work Programme 2019.

Download the Work Programme 2019 documents

Generic Call for Proposals (AAPG) 2019: 48 research themes grouped by discipline

The ANR’s Generic Call for Proposals 2019 deploys a range of funding instruments both for performing the roles assigned to it by French public research and innovation policy, and addressing the needs of the project-based research community. These instruments are used to fund individual research projects coordinated by young researchers (JCJC), collaborative research projects between public entities in a national or international context (PRC and PRCI respectively), and between public and private entities with a potential opening to the world of business (PRCE).

The AAPG is divided into research themes, each with its own Scientific Evaluation Panel, enabling coordinators to submit their proposal directly to the relevant panel. For Work Programme 2019, the scope of each AAPG research theme has been redefined and explained in greater detail. In addition, the 48 themes for AAPG 2019 have been grouped together by major research area, so as to make the disciplinary, cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary boundaries clearer for everyone. AAPG 2019 also includes a new scientific theme, “Artificial Intelligence”, which aligns with one of the French state’s priorities.

  • There are 35 research themes across 7 disciplinary areas, corresponding to the 5 areas covered by the national research Alliances (environment, energy and materials, digital, life sciences, social sciences and humanities), plus mathematics, and physics in all its forms.
  • There are 13 research themes covering cross-disciplinary (or interdisciplinary) themes that span more than one field of science.

Values and commitments of Work Programme 2019

The ANR, working alongside research institutions, pledges its ongoing commitments to:

Promoting a culture of research integrity

As a signatory to the French National Charter for Research Integrity, the Agency is committed to promoting a culture of research integrity and to abiding by the rules and best practices outlined in its own Code of Ethics and Scientific Integrity – an essential condition for maintaining the bond of trust between society and the scientific communities.

Giving due consideration to sex and/or gender aspects

The ANR also supports a policy of reducing gender inequalities and developing a scientific culture in which sex and/or gender aspects are given due consideration in research and evaluation processes. Moreover, it is committed to showcasing women in science who have secured funding from the Agency or are involved in Scientific Evaluation Panels.

Complying with the Nagoya Protocol

The ANR is committed to complying with the procedures for applying the Nagoya Protocol, as ratified by the European Union, as part of efforts to tackle biopiracy, preserve biodiversity and local knowledge, and ensure that the benefits of arising from the utilisation of genetic resources are shared fairly and equitably. As such, it will obtain documentary evidence of Due Diligence Declarations (DDDs) for all research projects that it funds in 2018. In addition, coordinators for proposals submitted under AAPG 2019 will be asked to make a declaration on potential utilisation of genetic resources during their projects.

Fostering open publication of research data

The ANR’s Open Science policy aligns with the national plan presented by the French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, on 4 July 2018. As such, the Agency calls on coordinators to consider the importance of research data when setting up projects and throughout the whole process. It requires the full texts of all publications resulting from the projects it funds to be posted in the open archives, and all proposals funded from 2019 onwards will need to have a data management plan (DMP).

The ANR will ensure that all coordinators respect these values and commitments, across all components of Work Programme 2019.

The French state’s strategy priorities

As part of its efforts to clarify its programmes, the agency has also included a component specifically addressing the French state’s strategic priorities and those arising from national plans to strengthen research in specific areas in response to present-day scientific and societal challenges. Specifically, these challenges are artificial intelligence (AI), social sciences and humanities, quantum technologies, antimicrobial resistance, autism in neurodevelopmental disorders, and translational research on rare diseases. The Work Programme also addresses priorities that the Agency shares with co-funding partners, such as “Ending Pesticide Use” with the EcoPhyto Plan. 

A Work Programme devised collaboratively

Work Programme 2019 aligns with France’s National Research Strategy (SNR) and European research funding initiatives. Work Programme 2019 was drawn up with input from seven Programming Advisory Panels, comprising all representatives of the French Ministry for Research, the ANR, other ministries, research Alliances, the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), private research institutions and competitiveness clusters. There is a separate panel for each of the seven disciplinary areas mentioned above. The panels met throughout May 2018, and were involved in redrawing the boundaries of the research themes for the Generic Call for Proposals (AAPG) 2019.

Work Programme 2019 was adopted by the ANR Governing Board on 3 July 2018.

Last updated on 28/09/2020
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