Promotion of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture (CSTI)
Reinforcing the interactions between science, research and society is a major challenge and one of the priority goals of the 2021-2030 research programming law (LPR).
This includes structuring the dialogue between science and society around three levels of interaction:
- Sharing a common scientific culture and informing the democratic debate;
- Involving as many people as possible in research;
- Supporting decision-making and public policy.
As the national project-based research funding agency, ANR is committed to promoting scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) alongside the stakeholders of higher education and research.
As part of its Work Programme, ANR encourages the coordinators and partners of the projects it funds to engage in initiatives to transfer scientific knowledge to citizens and decision-makers (speaking to the media, providing expertise to local authorities and central government, supporting public decision-making, outreach programmes, organising public debates etc.).
A multi-year programme of “Science with and for society” (SAPS) calls for proposals
Following a call for expressions of interest issued at the end of February 2021, which generated an exceptional response from scientific communities and CSTI stakeholders, the Agency has launched a multi-year programme of SAPS calls for proposals to promote CSTI, mediation and citizen science, divided into two sections.
- The first section, “Research-Action”, includes several themed calls aiming to support research projects with a strong focus on applications (implementing solutions). These projects can last 12 to 24 months. The maximum grant is €80k per project.
The first of these calls, launched in late July 2021 on the theme of “Scientific mediation and communication”, led to 15 projects receiving €1.161 million in funding.
- The second section, “Mobilising researchers for CSTI and scientific mediation”, includes several calls for project coordinators who have already been selected for the 2018 to 2022 Generic Call for Proposals (AAPG). The goal is to award them additional funding for them to develop their research work, designing and conducting their initiatives in partnership with local, regional and national organisations focusing on scientific culture (CSTI centres, university cultural departments, museums, cultural stakeholders etc.).
Find out more:
The SAPS RA “Scientific mediation and communication” call for proposals