Organisation and Governance
By decree of the French President, responding to a proposal from the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Claire Giry was appointed President of the ANR on July 9 2024.
Art. R. 329-1 à D. 329-24 of the French Research Code
The Governing Board
The Governing Board rules the institution’s affairs through its deliberations and decisions. This includes pronouncing on the overall organisation of services and the Agency’s internal regulations, the orientations of its Work Programme, the policy for awarding and managing grants and the ANR’s budget and financial accounts.
Its members are appointed by the French Minister in charge of Research. The rules of its operation are set by the decree on the organisation and operation of the ANR.
Composition of the Governing Board (in french)
Présidente : Claire GIRY
En qualité de représentants de l’Etat :
- Mme Marine CAMIADE, représentante titulaire de la ministre chargée de la recherche ;
- M. Guilhem de ROBILLARD et Mme Carine BERNARD, représentants suppléants de la ministre chargée de la recherche ;
- M. Sébastien CHEVALIER, représentant titulaire de la ministre chargée de l'enseignement supérieur ;
- Mme Caroline OLLIVIER-YANIV, représentante suppléante de la ministre chargée de l’enseignement supérieur ;
- M. Benjamin DELOZIER et M. Laurent de MERCEY, représentants titulaires du ministre chargé de l’industrie ;
- M. Arnaud DELAUNAY et M. Emmanuel CLAUSE, représentants suppléants du ministre chargé de l’industrie ;
- Mme Alicia SAOUDI, représentante titulaire du ministre chargé du budget ;
- Mme Marie-Laure VAN QUI, représentante suppléante du ministre chargé du budget.
En qualité de personnalités qualifiées représentant les grands domaines scientifiques dont au moins une issue de la conférence des chefs d’établissements de l’enseignement supérieur :
- Mme Carole CARANTA, titulaire ;
- Mme Virginie DUPONT, titulaire ;
- M. Jean-Frédéric GERBEAU, titulaire ;
- M. Antoine PETIT, titulaire. ;
- Mme Laurence PIKETTY, titulaire ;
- M. Didier SAMUEL, titulaire ;
- Mme Chantal BOULANGER, suppléante ;
- M. Pierre-Franck CHEVET, suppléant ;
- Mme Marie GAILLE, suppléante ;
- M. François HOUILLIER, suppléant ;
- Mme Hélène JACQUET, suppléante ;
- M. Dean LEWIS, suppléant.
En qualité personnalités qualifiées du monde socio-économique :
- M. Jean-Luc BEYLAT ;
- M. Bruno MAQUART ;
- Mme Florence LAMBERT-HOGNON ;
- Mme Christine M'RINI PUEL.
Le vice-président du Conseil stratégique de la recherche :
- M. Pascal COLOMBANI.
En qualité de représentant du personnel :
- Mme Cyrine BRAHIM, titulaire ; Mme Jessica ROHRBACH, suppléante
- Mme Sophie GRELAT, titulaire ; Mme Delphine CALLU, suppléante
De plus, assistent au Conseil avec voix consultative :
- Le président du Conseil d’administration de l’établissement public BPI-Groupe ou son représentant
- Le secrétaire général pour l’investissement ou son représentant
- Le directeur général délégué à l’administration et au budget
- Le contrôleur budgétaire
- L’agent comptable
Scientific Advisory Panel
As a discussion body, the Scientific Advisory Panel assists the ANR President and CEO in the strategic management of the Agency. Subjects on which the CEO requests its opinion include:
- The preparation of the ANR’s annual Work Programme and the report on its implementation,
- Work to evaluate research provision and analyse its impact,
- The creation or abolition of the Agency’s scientific departments, together with their naming and scope,
- The appointment of the heads of scientific departments and the renewal of their functions.
It may also be asked to provide an opinion by the Governing Board or the CEO. Its composition, the procedure for appointing its members and its rules of procedure are set out by the ministerial order of 10 September 2015.
Chaired by Pierre Corvol, former President of the French Academy of Sciences and Honorary Administrator of the Collège de France, the new Scientific Steering Committee is made up of : Personalities from outside the ANR, notably from abroad, chosen for their scientific and technical expertise in the agency's fields of activity :Composition of the Scientific Advisory Panel
- Bruno Chaudret, Research Director at the CNRS, member of the French Academy of Sciences;
- Yuko Harayama, former executive member of the Japanese Prime Minister’s Science and Technology Council;
- Brigitte Autran, President of the Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee (Covars);
- Christine Musselin, CNRS Research Director at the Centre for the Sociology of Organisations (Sciences Po and CNRS).
Personalities from the socio-economic world, chosen for their expertise in the operation and constraints of national funding research agencies for research, development and innovation:
- Roseann O’Reilly Runte, president and CEO of the Canada Foundation for Innovation;
- Paul Friedel, General Delegate of the French Academy of Technologies.
Signature delegation
Signature delegation is a form of delegation of authority. It is an internal organisational method by which the President and CEO offloads a part of their responsibility by appointment a deputy who will take decisions in the CEO’s name, but only in areas that have been delegated and within the limits of the deputy’s authority.
View the list of deputies
- ABID Wahib
- AIT-AMEUR Yamine
- ARAGNO Aurélie
- BAIN Pascal
- BOULNOIS Marjorie
- BOUVET Philippe
- BRITAL Aîcha
- COSTA Alexandre
- COTTET Vincent
- DEJUGNAT Stéphane
- FLORIANI Daniela
- FREART Marianne
- GRUEL Joachim
- GUERIN Gilles
- KIBOUCH Ibrahim
- MACE Eric
- PAULIAC Véronique
- OKE Fawaze
- PRAGASSAM Marie-Lucia
- PYRAM Anne-Betty
- QUEDE Céline
- RACHID Anicha
- RENARD Julia
- TERRAL Philippe
- TORRES Arnaud
- TOURE Aicha
- YOUSFI Chérif
- ZEBOUH Karim