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Toulouse Graduate School défis en économie et sciences sociales quantitatives


Mots-clés : quantitative social sciences; graduate school; International Masters; PhD; interdisciplinary; multidisciplinary; economics; mathematics; law; biology; psychology; political science; anthropology; history; sociology; philosophy


Since its start in December 2018 and during the latest year 2022-2023, EUR CHESS continued to advance on its long-term strategy following its three major objectives: (1) fostering the institution-building and international recognition of TSE and IAST; (2) strengthening TSE’s graduate programs; (3) enhancing world-class research in economics and quantitative social sciences including multidisciplinary approaches.


The major developments of the CHESS project since December 2018 were realization during the latest reporting period 2022-2023 in brackets): (1)  14 (6 in 2022-2023) junior faculty hires and 5 (2) senior hires at TSE, as well as 4  (1)permanent recruitments and 36 (6) research Fellows at IAST; (2) a high volume of 738 (120) articles in peer-reviewed journals and 206 (7) books and book chapters, as well as 426 (108) publications with PIA acknowledgement; (3) 133 journal articles in top journals in economics (rank 1 and 2) and 243 articles by IAST; (4) 122 international academic conferences, 869 academic visitors, and new online activities since the pandemic; (5) excellent position in worldwide rankings in economics: No. 8 (REPEc) and No. 21 (Shanghai) ; (6) 8 new ERC grants (3 in 2022-2023) and 17 ANR grants, expanding TSE’s place as the No.2 ERC grant recipient in Europe; (7) 60 awards and honorific nominations and about 25 editorial board memberships; (8) reinforced job market preparation in the PhD program; (9) strong placement record on the PhD job market with 8 positions at top-20 institutions; (10) a successful multi-disciplinary Summer School since 2021 organized by IAST and launch of two new multi-disciplinary Masters;  (13) significant increase in social media and media presence, with 666 media contributions, online public debates as well as the Common Good Summit since 2021; (14) new research partnerships and successful completion of second private fundraising campaign; (15) a strong financial position and spending from EUR CHESS on track.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : CHESS
Référence projet : 17-EURE-0010
Région du projet : Occitanie
Discipline : 6 - SHS
Aide PIA : 52 944 000 €
Début projet : novembre 2018
Fin projet : novembre 2028

Coordination du projet : Christian GOLLIER
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Ecole d'économie et de sciences sociales quantitatives de Toulouse
Partenaire(s) : Fondation Jean Jacques Laffont TSE, CNRS délégation Occitanie Ouest, INRAE Centre Siège

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