Intégrer recherche et enseignement supérieur Ecole universitaires de recherche

Ecole Universitaire de Recherche de Sciences des Plantes de Paris-Saclay


Mots-clés : Plant Sciences;Biology;Physiology;Biotechnology;Integrative Biology;Predictive Biology;Translational Biology;Crop Improvement;Plant-Microbe Interactions;Breeding


Plants are a major stake for our societies in terms of biological models, sources of biodiversity, basis of the food chains and for the sustainable production of raw materials and molecules of interest for health, well-being, industry, agriculture and the environment.


SPS-GSR research activities concern the genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms that control plant physiology and development as well as their interactions with fluctuating biotic or abiotic environments. These studies extend from molecules to the entire plant and use the concepts and tools of biochemistry, biophysics, imaging, molecular biology, genetics, evolution, cell biology, modelling, ecophysiology, and bioinformatics. They are multidisciplinary by nature and oriented towards the construction of an integrative biology.


Our community brings together about 700 people (57 teams and 5 institutes from 8 institutions of research (INRAE, CNRS, and CEA) and education (AgroParisTech, Univ. Paris-Cité, UEVE, UVSQ, and Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay)), with dedicated Master’s, Engineer and PhD programs in Plant Sciences. The UPSaclay is at the 15th position of global Shanghai ranking 2023 (1st for continental Europe, 11th in Agricultural Sciences) and one of the European's leading campuses of research and education in Agriculture and, more specifically, "Plant Sciences", with respect to size, impact and academic quality.


Our main objective is to build on the strengths of our community to make UPSaclay one of the best universities in the world for “Plant Sciences” through the three following components: (1) fundamental and applied research, (2) education and training to and through research, and (3) innovation and transfer. Funding and coordination of the activities of the various partners within SPS-GSR will facilitate the establishment of new interactions between research and training and the internationalization of our teaching programs.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : SPS-GSR
Référence projet : 17-EURE-0007
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 4 - Agro Eco
Aide PIA : 7 092 363 €
Début projet : novembre 2018
Fin projet : novembre 2028

Coordination du projet : Loic LEPINIEC
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Université Paris-Saclay
Partenaire(s) : INRAE Centre Ile-de-France - Versailles-Saclay, CNRS IDF Sud (Gif), AgroParisTech - CAMPUS AGRO PARIS SACLAY, Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CEA Saclay, Université Paris Cité

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