Geofluids and Volatil elements – Earth, Atmosphere, Interfaces – Resources and Environment
Mots-clés : Earth; Geodynamics; Fluids; Magmas; Tectonics; Mineral Resources; Aquifer; Critical Zone; Soil; Pollutants; Greenhouse Gases; Atmosphere; Halogens; Aerosols; Economy
VOLTAIRE ( unites all the players on the Orléans campus (University of Orléans, CNRS, BRGM and INRA) interested in quantifying the origins, ?uxes and impacts of geo?uids, sourced from either the mantle or crust, and ultimately their role in the atmosphere, with implications on natural resources of all kinds (ie ore-deposits, geothermal energy, air/soil pollution) and global climate change. Researchers are from Earth and Atmosphere sciences and Economics, totalling >180 persons (including PhD+PDRA). Methods implemented include ?eld observations of various types (ie structural geology, the study of ore deposits, measurement of natural gases either at ground level (peatlands, volcanoes), or in the troposphere/stratosphere). These observational data are supplemented by laboratory studies such as experimental simulations (supported by the Equipex PLANEX), radiometric dating, and numerical modelling, to produce predictive scenarios of the observed processes. The economic implications of the exploitation of some of the resources are quantitatively evaluated using approaches and tools developed by economists.
To date, VOLTAIRE has funded 32 PhD (partly or whole), 42 post-docts, 88 Master projects, 42 engineers or assistants, 9 summer schools, 16 international workshops, and produced 502 papers. 6 ERC grants have been (3), or are (3), running under VOLTAIRE umbrella. In 2023, we have published 35 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. The 2023 year has been devoted to execution of actions initiated in 2020: they all bear on geo?uids and related ressources/impacts, tackled principally from in-situ experiments, either in or out-door, building upon the various facilities installed with VOLTAIRE, PLANEX and PIVOTS projects, and include also assessing their economic impact.
L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.
Informations générales
Acronyme projet : VOLTAIRE
Référence projet : 10-LABX-0100
Région du projet : Centre-Val de Loire
Discipline : 3 - STUE
Aide PIA : 16 351 351 €
Début projet : avril 2011
Fin projet : décembre 2024
Coordination du projet : Bruno SCAILLET
Email :
Consortium du projet
Etablissement coordinateur : Université d'Orléans
Partenaire(s) : CNRS Centre Poitou Charentes (Orléans), BRGM SA, INRAE Orléans