Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

Digital and Hardware Solutions and Modeling for the Environement and Life Sciences


Mots-clés : Modeling ; Measures ; Instrumentation ; Data ; Big Data ; Data Sciences ; AI ; Computational Sciences; Bio-informatics ; Smart-Systems ; Sensors


The LabEx NUMEV promotes the connections between mathematical, computer, physical and engineering sciences (MIPS), and life and environmental sciences, in line with the priorities of the I-SITE MUSE project led by the University of Montpellier. NUMEV aims to make a substantial contribution in response to scientific and societal challenges with priorities in healthcare, demographic change, welfare, nutrition, food security, sustainable agriculture and environmental protection, in direct interaction with the other strengths of the site in agronomy, environmental, life and health sciences. Embedded in the regional scientific context, NUMEV also supports the regional socio-economic innovation strategy, aiming for national and international impact. NUMEV thus intends to enable the emergence of an internationally visible, interdisciplinary scientific cluster in Montpellier, developing training and support for the scientists of tomorrow, and allowing them to tackle complex, multidimensional problems. Four major interdisciplinary challenges related to life and the environment define the scientific objectives of NUMEV: (1) observing, characterizing and modeling natural systems, (2) extracting and representing data, (3) developing computational/algorithmic methods for large data sets, and (4) designing computational and mathematical representations of natural and man-made systems. NUMEV research-training-transfer dynamics thus contribute to major scientific, technical and economic developments. Since the creation of NUMEV in 2011, 430 projects have been supported in research, training, valorization and scientific animations, fostering the creation and strengthening of links between the involved academic communities. After more than 10 years of life, NUMEV embedding within the I-Site MUSE of the new University of Montpellier opens new perspectives and opportunities to enrich and empower its actions for the scientific and socio-economic communities.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : NUMEV
Référence projet : 10-LABX-0020
Région du projet : Occitanie
Discipline : 1 - Math Info
Aide PIA : 11 891 891 €
Début projet : avril 2011
Fin projet : décembre 2022

Coordination du projet : Andrea PARMEGGIANI
Email : andrea.parmeggiani@umontpellier.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Université de Montpellier
Partenaire(s) : INRIA Sophia Antipolis (Valbonne), INRAE Centre Occitanie - Montpellier, CNRS délégation Occitanie Est, Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement

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