RA-COVID-19 V12 - Recherche - Action Coronavirus disease 2019 - Vague 12

Social and medico-social actors facing the crisis generated by Covid-19 – CRISEsoc.JdB

Submission summary

During the lockdown and after the lockdown, several professionals from the social and the medico-social instituions were asked to keep logbooks which allow today to observe the effects produced by the COVID-19 crises on their professional routine and their institutional organizational models devoted to vulnerable people. Indeed, some innovations in the way of delivery care can be observed as an accelerator for implementing the principles underlying the French "transformation de l'offre du médico-social". The descriptive study of the corpus documenting the health crisis in social and medico-social establishments and services (ESSMS) is supplemented by more detailed analyses in specific fields. This "recherche-action" is completed by a single institution in-depth feedback methodology which aims to witness how this collective life and labour recovered from the violence of this crisis.
This project aims to analyze, understand and share the experiences and practices of these professionals by making the results informative for their own use and their partners. In particular the supervisory authorities and more generally the public authorities to manage this type of crisis as well as the exit from the crisis.
Seven CREAIs from different French regions and six university laboratories involved in human and social sciences from the University of Bourgogne Franche Comté have joined forces to carry out this unprecedented multidisciplinary work.

Project coordination

Anne DUSART (Fédération nationale des Centres Régionaux d'Etudes, d'Actions et d'Informations en faveur des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


MSH Dijon Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon - USR 3516
ANCREAI Fédération nationale des Centres Régionaux d'Etudes, d'Actions et d'Informations en faveur des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité

Help of the ANR 110,725 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: April 2021 - 12 Months

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