Fundamental aspects of ultrafast dynamics in complex molecular ions excited by an ultrashort XUV pulse: experiment and theory – FAUST
FAUST investigates new mechanisms encountered in molecular ions following an extreme ultraviolet (XUV) excitation. XUV ultrafast molecular science addresses the question of how electron correlation and non-born Oppenheimer processes determine photoinduced dynamics on atomic scale. While first studies have investigated polyatomic neutral molecules, a major challenge is their extension to molecular ions that constitute by far the major species involved in nature. In FAUST we tackle this question by combining state-of-the-art ultrafast XUV technology, molecular ion manipulation and multielectronic/non-adiabatic theories. We will investigate how the combination of the added charges and correlation effects define the dynamics. Based on a strong synergy between experiment and theory, our ambition is to show that ultrafast XUV ionization stimulates new processes involving hole and energy transport across molecular structures, from small simple organic ... to large molecular structures.
Project coordination
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
Universität Heidelberg / Theoretische Chemie Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut
Help of the ANR 515,181 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
April 2022
- 36 Months