Optical identification and modeling of the nonlinear dynamics of timber buildings – DYNATIMBEREYES
In various cities worldwide high-rise wood building represent a performant offer for sustainable cities and ecological transition. Dynamics of such structures highlights specific non linearities and relatively large vibration amplitudes. Building software and regulations are under evolution in order to allow higher and larger wood construction. Current experimental methods have several important drawbacks (access to the building, expensive experimental setup, long cable routing, time consuming measurements and important biases). Current software used for the modelling are based on linear assumptions even though experiments highlight nonlinear dynamics. DynaTimberEyes aims at initiating an innovative experimental and numerical methods for the analysis of high wood structures, able to model and identify quickly and accurately dynamics of wood towers. This method will be based on video measurements, nonlinear reduced order models and data assimilation methods (Kalman filters).
Project coordination
Jean-Luc DION (Laboratoire QUARTZ EA7393)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
NAVIER Laboratoire Navier
QUARTZ Laboratoire QUARTZ EA7393
FCBA Institut technologie Forêt cellulose bois-construction ameublement
Help of the ANR 863,139 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
- 48 Months