CE34 - Contaminants, écosystèmes et santé

Dynamics of microbiome from an aquatic sentinel species upon toxicants – Dyn-Microbiome

Submission summary

Host microbiota is a key factor for animal health and its sensitivity to contaminants. The “Dyn-Microbiome” project will decipher the nature and role of host-associated microbiota in the modulation of contaminant toxicity for an aquatic sentinel animal, the Gammarus fossarum fresh-water amphipod, largely used for biomonitoring in France. We developed an innovative metaproteomics approach that allows establishing the microbiota taxonomical composition, quantifying the respective biomasses, deciphering its main metabolic pathways and host molecular biomarkers. This technology complemented with metagenomics will provide evidence on i) whether shifts on the microbiota parameters are induced by model toxicants (metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, antifungals and antibiotics), ii) evaluate detrimental long-term consequences of dysbiosis for the host, and iii) propose novel molecular biomarkers of exposition.

Project coordination

Jean ARMENGAUD (Service de pharmacologie et d'immunoanalyse)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


SPI / Li2D Service de pharmacologie et d'immunoanalyse
IMEDEA IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) / Animal and Microbial Biodiversity- Microbiology group

Help of the ANR 446,998 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2021 - 36 Months

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