CE34 - Contaminants, écosystèmes et santé

EcoHealth approach for the evaluation of SDHI fungicides use: exposome and hazards for biodiversity and human health – SoEcohealth

EcoHealth approach for the evaluation of SDHI fungicides use: exposome and hazards for biodiversity and human health

This project focuses on Succinate DeHydrogenase Inhibitors (SDHI), a family of fungicides that has been increasingly used over the past ten years. SDHI share the feature of inhibiting the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), a universal key mitochondrial enzyme involved in cellular respiration and the Krebs cycle.

SoEcoHealth project has the ambition to propose an interdisciplinary approach with 9 partners, including challenges of public health and the preservation of biodiversity

The catalytic region of the SDH is highly conserved across species: SDHI target mitochondrial functions that are not only critical in agricultural fungi, but also in all animals and plant species that have mitochondria. With respect to human health, genetic diseases and cancer genetics provide evidence that alterations of SDH activity (partial or total) lead to severe outcomes (neuropathies, renal diseases and cancers). Indeed, the loss of SDH activity is associated with an oxidative stress, a metabolic reprogramming and epigenetic remodelling due to succinate accumulation. Therefore, the off-target organisms of agricultural SDHI use are potentially be exposed to : i) mitochondrial dysfunction, ii) the accumulation of succinate, iii) a metabolic reprogramming and iv) epigenetic modifications.<br />SoEcoHealth aims at studying:<br />1- Environmental exposome. To set up quantitative and sensitive methods of detection of major SDHI and its metabolites and evaluate the presence of SDHI in water and food;<br />2- Human exposome. To determine whether urinary SDHI levels in farmers and in the general population correlate with the incidence of chronic diseases, notably Chronic Kidney Diseases<br />3- Mechanistic approaches. To characterize hazards of SDHI regarding a selected range of species. The hypothesis is that they modulate mitochondria physiology, reprogram metabolism and alter epigenetic methylations. We will focus on mitochondria function and energy metabolism in humans, rodents, nematodes, fish, soil off-target fungi, pathogenic fungi and bees; <br />4- Improved the regulatory framework. To take advantage of the SDHI case study to improve risk assessment.

It will benefit from the decompartmentalization of their disciplines to contextualize the research and easily access the information relative to SDHI. The interdisciplinary seminars, in addition to the seminars dedicated to specific topics, will be the place to share knowledge and understand the methods of the studies with a common object in the center of the scientific forum that is the SDHI.

The SoEcoHealth project deals with issues of occupational and public health and the preservation of biodiversity
The case of SDHI studies in the context of an EcoHealth approach will constitute a proof of concept for a new way of risk assessment that could be extended to other pollutants. A closing project meeting dedicated to a broad public is planned and opened to the different stakeholders (citizens, farmers, non-governmental organisations, jurists, regulators, politicians).

SoEcoHealth is likely to contribute to the improvement of food safety and global human health. By considering the impacts of SDHI on ecosystems, the project will result in new knowledge about the impact of SDHI on biodiversity, which will be related to human health too. By a better characterization of the hazard of SDHI, with a holistic view on living beings and the socio-economical evaluation of the risk assessment, this project will provide knowledge for the possible and desirable improvement of regulation to limit deleterious consequences on biodiversity and health.

[Présentation orale] Huc L. What is a carcinogen? bridging the gap between basic biology and regulatory toxicology. Second Philosophy of Cancer Biology workshop, Bordeaux, 20-21 Janvier 2020.
Conférence invitée : Pesticides et cancers : science, règlementation, décisions publiques et sociétés, Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest pour les journées « Risques Environnementaux émergents », 21-22 octobre 2021, L Huc
Conférence invitée : Pesticides et cancers : science, règlementation, décisions publiques et sociétés, Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest pour les journées « Risques Environnementaux émergents », 21-22 octobre 2021, L Huc.
Conférence invitée : Food contaminants and environmental carcinogenesis: how can the newly identified mechanisms of toxicity refine risk and hazard assessment? L Huc.
Journées scientifiques de l’Ecole Doctorale MCTI, 15 octobre 2021, Château du Mée
Conférence invitée : Pesticides et cancers : science, règlementation, décisions publiques et sociétés.
Séminaire de l’IRSET , 21 juin 2021, Rennes, L Huc
Conférence invitée : Réseau scientifique HOLIMITOX. Pour une approche intégrée et pluridisciplinaire des liens science-règlementation-décisions publiques et sociétés, liés à l’usage des pesticides
Cycle de webinaires « les sciences à l’épreuve des crises sanitaires et environnementales », Réseau national du Musée des Sciences de l’Homme, 1er juin 2021. L Huc
[Présentation orale] Huc L Pesticides and cancers: scientific and temporal gaps between basic knowledge, regulation and public and societal decisions
2èmes journées SHS Pesticides, 12 mai 2021 (virtuel)
Pasquet Camille & Bonmatin Jean-Marc, Exposition humaine aux fongicides SDHIs par les denrées alimentaires, 50ème Congrès du Groupe Français de Recherches sur les Pesticides (GFP), Namur (BE), 18-20 mai 2022.
Reportage au sujet des SDHI, France 5, Magazine de la Santé (janvier 2020)
Emission La Terre au Carré, France Inter « l’exposome : impact des différents polluants sur l’organisme » (10 juin 2021)
Emission Temps présent, Radio Télévision Suisse sur l’impact des pesticides sur la santé et les écosystèmes ( 16 septembre 2021)
Emission La Terre au Carré, France Inter « Pesticides et santé : pourquoi les données scientifiques sont-elles ignorées ? » (17 mai 2022)
Emission Le temps du débat, France Culture « Pesticides : un consensus scientifique est-il possible ? »(21 juin 2022)
Poster : Interactions of succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors with human drug transporter activity and expression
Marie Kerhoas, Marc Levée*, Laurence Huc* and Olivier Fardel*
ALEXS Atlantic Exposome Summer School- 2022- Juillet 2022- Rennes-France
Conférence invitée : Qu’est-ce qu’un cancérigène ? Hunsmann M & Huc L
Cycle de conférence de l’EHESS, Transformations du cancer à l'ère du capitalisme sanitaire et de la génomique globalisés, 12 mai 2022 (virtuel)

This project focuses on Succinate DeHydrogenase Inhibitors (SDHI), a family of fungicides that has been increasingly used over the past ten years. SDHI share the feature of inhibiting the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), a universal key mitochondrial enzyme involved in cellular respiration and the Krebs cycle. The catalytic region of the SDH is highly conserved across species: SDHI target mitochondrial functions that are not only critical in agricultural fungi, but also in all animals and plant species that have mitochondria. With respect to human health, genetic diseases and cancer genetics provide evidence that alterations of SDH activity (partial or total) lead to severe outcomes (neuropathies, renal diseases and cancers). Indeed, the loss of SDH activity is associated with an oxidative stress, a metabolic reprogramming and epigenetic remodelling due to succinate accumulation. Therefore, the off-target organisms of agricultural SDHI use are potentially be exposed to : i) mitochondrial dysfunction, ii) the accumulation of succinate, iii) a metabolic reprogramming and iv) epigenetic modifications.
SoEcoHealth project has the ambition to propose an interdisciplinary approach with 9 partners, including challenges of public health and the preservation of biodiversity, to tackle the highly problematic question of pesticides use with the particular case of SDHI. SoEcoHealth aims at studying:
1- Environmental exposome. To set up quantitative and sensitive methods of detection of major SDHI and its metabolites and evaluate the presence of SDHI in water and food;
2- Human exposome. To determine whether urinary SDHI levels in farmers and in the general population correlate with the incidence of chronic diseases, notably Chronic Kidney Diseases
3- Mechanistic approaches. To characterize hazards of SDHI regarding a selected range of species. We will focus on mitochondria function and energy metabolism in humans, rodents, nematodes, fish, soil off-target fungi, pathogenic fungi and bees;
4- Improved the regulatory framework. To take advantage of the SDHI case study to improve risk assessment based on interdisciplinarity and co-construction of knowledge.
The consortium includes chemistry, epidemiology, medicine, biochemistry, toxicology, ecotoxicology, economics and sociology. It will benefit from the decompartmentalization of their disciplines to contextualize the research and easily access the information relative to SDHI. The interdisciplinary seminars, in addition to the seminars dedicated to specific topics, will be the place to share knowledge and understand the methods of the studies with a common object in the center of the scientific forum that is the SDHI.
The SoEcoHealth project deals with issues of occupational and public health and the preservation of biodiversity
The case of SDHI studies in the context of an EcoHealth approach will constitute a proof of concept for a new way of risk assessment that could be extended to other pollutants. A closing project meeting dedicated to a broad public is planned and opened to the different stakeholders (citizens, farmers, non-governmental organisations, jurists, regulators, politicians).
SoEcoHealth is likely to contribute to the improvement of food safety and global human health. By considering the impacts of SDHI on ecosystems, the project will result in new knowledge about the impact of SDHI on biodiversity, which will be related to human health too. By a better characterization of the hazard of SDHI, with a holistic view on living beings and the socio-economical evaluation of the risk assessment, this project will provide knowledge for the possible and desirable improvement of regulation to limit deleterious consequences on biodiversity and health.

Project coordination

Laurence HUC (Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement Centre Occitanie-Toulouse)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CBM Centre de biophysique moléculaire
TSE-R TSE Recherche
LISIS Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences, Innovations, Sociétés
Inserm Inserm Occitanie Pyrénées
INRAE TOXALIM - COMICS Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement Centre Occitanie-Toulouse

Help of the ANR 786,233 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2020 - 36 Months

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